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Track tyre marks - Maya - fbx2edf

Started by Warlock, June 02, 2016, 12:50:27 AM

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June 02, 2016, 12:50:27 AM Last Edit: June 03, 2016, 03:58:23 AM by Warlock
Hello Piboso, please, i've been struggling with this for too long now and im getting really frustrated with such a simple thing.

From track creation rules:
For tyre marks, a second texture can be defined using Opacity channel and a secondary UV mapping. Textures with alpha channel will be drawn with alpha blending, while ones without alpha channel will be drawn with multiply blending.

For rain puddles (track reflections) a third texture can be set in the Glossiness or Specular Level channel, and a secondary UV mapping. The alpha channel is used to define puddles on wet surfaces (asphalt and concrete).

Please correct me if i'm wrong with this:

- I created a texture with the tyre marks, with or without alpha channel it will blend anyway, alpha blending or multiply blending.
- Also created a secondary UV mapping for the track mesh and link the tyre marks texture to this secondary UV map. This way i overlay 2 textures in the same object (track mesh), one repeats all along the track (asphalt texture+ primary UV map) and the other one doesnt repeat along the track, only where you want to (tyre texture+ secondary UV map)

-To make it work in GPB both textures must be in the same material you assigned to the track mesh. Asphalt texture is linked to the color property of the material, and tyre texture is linked to the opacity property of the material

And here is the problem, Autodesk Maya doesn't have any Opacity , Glossiness or Specular properties in its main materials (lambert, blinn , phong)
3DSmax does, obviously, KRP track modders used them and it worked.

This are the material properties in Maya.   (it has more, but raytrace options etc, nothing relevant for this problem)

I would say Opacity in 3DSMAx is what Transparency is in Maya, i tried linking the tyre marks texture to this channel but fxb2edf doesn't seem to recognize it. Once converted the fbx file to .map file i only see the tarmac texture.

Is somehow fbx2edf searching for an opacity channel in the fbx file, but found Transparency instead and ignores it?

It would really great if fbx2edf could take all shaders, materials, maps directly from the fbx export. Nice and tidy  :)

Im going to put here and ASCII export i did from Maya with a very simple example in case it helps. It's a poly plane with 4 faces  (a micro track  :) )  with the texturing method i explained above.

//Maya ASCII 2015 scene
//Name: ASCII_export.ma
//Last modified: Wed, Jun 01, 2016 11:26:17 PM
//Codeset: 1252
requires maya "2015";
currentUnit -linear centimeter -angle degree -time film;
fileInfo "application" "maya";
fileInfo "product" "Maya 2015";
fileInfo "version" "2015";
fileInfo "cutIdentifier" "201503261530-955654";
fileInfo "osv" "Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition, 64-bit Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)\n";
createNode transform -name "TRKASPH";
createNode mesh -name "TRKASPHShape" -parent "TRKASPH";
setAttr -keyable off ".visibility";
setAttr ".visibleInReflections" yes;
setAttr ".visibleInRefractions" yes;
setAttr ".uvPivot" -type "double2" 0.49999992013908923 0.499999979743734 ;
setAttr -size 2 ".uvSet";
setAttr ".uvSet[0].uvSetName" -type "string" "TARMAC_UV_MAP";
setAttr -size 9 ".uvSet[0].uvSetPoints[0:8]" -type "float2" 0 0 0.5
0 1 0 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 0.5 0 1 0.5 1 1 1;
setAttr ".uvSet[1].uvSetName" -type "string" "SKIDS_UV_MAP";
setAttr -size 4 ".uvSet[1].uvSetPoints[0:3]" -type "float2" 0.0019920063
0.0019920063 0.99800783 0.0019920063 0.99800783 0.99800795 0.0019920063 0.99800795;
setAttr ".currentUVSet" -type "string" "SKIDS_UV_MAP";
setAttr ".displayColorChannel" -type "string" "Ambient+Diffuse";
setAttr ".collisionOffsetVelocityMultiplier[0]"  0 1 1;
setAttr ".collisionDepthVelocityMultiplier[0]"  0 1 1;
setAttr -size 9 ".vrts[0:8]"  -2.5 -5.5511151e-016 2.5 0 -5.5511151e-016 2.5
2.5 -5.5511151e-016 2.5 -2.5 0 0 0 0 0 2.5 0 0 -2.5 5.5511151e-016 -2.5 0 5.5511151e-016 -2.5
2.5 5.5511151e-016 -2.5;
setAttr -size 12 ".edge[0:11]"  0 1 0 0 3 0 1 2 0 1 4 1 2 5 0 3 4 1
3 6 0 4 5 1 4 7 1 5 8 0 6 7 0 7 8 0;
setAttr -size 4 -capacityHint 16 ".face[0:3]" -type "polyFaces"
f 4 0 3 -6 -2
mu 0 4 0 1 4 3
f 4 2 4 -8 -4
mu 0 4 1 2 5 4
f 4 5 8 -11 -7
mu 0 4 3 4 7 6
mu 1 4 0 1 2 3
f 4 7 9 -12 -9
mu 0 4 4 5 8 7;
setAttr ".creaseData" -type "dataPolyComponent" Index_Data Edge 0 ;
setAttr ".creaseVertexData" -type "dataPolyComponent" Index_Data Vertex 0 ;
setAttr ".holeFaceData" -type "dataPolyComponent" Index_Data Face 0 ;
createNode materialInfo -name "materialInfo3";
createNode shadingEngine -name "lambert3SG";
setAttr ".isHistoricallyInteresting" 0;
setAttr ".renderableOnlySet" yes;
createNode lambert -name "LAMBERT_MATERIAL";
createNode file -name "TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE";
setAttr ".fileTextureName" -type "string" "C:/Users/Warlock/Documents/maya/projects/GPB_Tracks/Surface_test//sourceimages/asphalt_black_yellowLine.tga";
createNode place2dTexture -name "place2dTexture3";
createNode file -name "SKIDS_TEXTURE_FILE";
setAttr ".fileTextureName" -type "string" "C:/Users/Warlock/Documents/maya/projects/GPB_Tracks/Surface_test//sourceimages/skids1_inverted.tga";
createNode place2dTexture -name "place2dTexture4";
createNode uvChooser -name "uvChooser1";
createNode lightLinker -shared -name "lightLinker1";
setAttr -size 5 ".link";
setAttr -size 5 ".shadowLink";
select -noExpand :time1;
setAttr ".outTime" 1;
setAttr ".unwarpedTime" 1;
select -noExpand :renderPartition;
setAttr -size 5 ".sets";
select -noExpand :renderGlobalsList1;
select -noExpand :defaultShaderList1;
setAttr -size 4 ".shaders";
select -noExpand :postProcessList1;
setAttr -size 2 ".postProcesses";
select -noExpand :defaultRenderUtilityList1;
setAttr -size 4 ".utilities";
select -noExpand :defaultRenderingList1;
select -noExpand :defaultTextureList1;
setAttr -size 4 ".textures";
select -noExpand :initialShadingGroup;
setAttr ".renderableOnlySet" yes;
select -noExpand :initialParticleSE;
setAttr ".renderableOnlySet" yes;
select -noExpand :defaultResolution;
setAttr ".pixelAspect" 1;
select -noExpand :hardwareRenderGlobals;
setAttr ".colorTextureResolution" 256;
setAttr ".bumpTextureResolution" 512;
select -noExpand :hardwareRenderingGlobals;
setAttr ".objectTypeFilterNameArray" -type "stringArray" 22 "NURBS Curves" "NURBS Surfaces" "Polygons" "Subdiv Surface" "Particles" "Particle Instance" "Fluids" "Strokes" "Image Planes" "UI" "Lights" "Cameras" "Locators" "Joints" "IK Handles" "Deformers" "Motion Trails" "Components" "Hair Systems" "Follicles" "Misc. UI" "Ornaments"  ;
setAttr ".objectTypeFilterValueArray" -type "Int32Array" 22 0 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ;
select -noExpand :defaultHardwareRenderGlobals;
setAttr ".resolution" -type "string" "ntsc_4d 646 485 1.333";
select -noExpand :ikSystem;
setAttr -size 4 ".ikSolver";
connectAttr "lambert3SG.message" "materialInfo3.shadingGroup";
connectAttr "LAMBERT_MATERIAL.message" "materialInfo3.material";
connectAttr "TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE.message" "materialInfo3.texture" -nextAvailable
connectAttr "LAMBERT_MATERIAL.outColor" "lambert3SG.surfaceShader";
connectAttr "TRKASPHShape.instObjGroups" "lambert3SG.dagSetMembers" -nextAvailable
connectAttr "TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE.outColor" "LAMBERT_MATERIAL.color";
connectAttr "SKIDS_TEXTURE_FILE.outTransparency" "LAMBERT_MATERIAL.transparency"
connectAttr "place2dTexture3.coverage" "TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE.coverage";
connectAttr "place2dTexture3.translateFrame" "TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE.translateFrame"
connectAttr "place2dTexture3.rotateFrame" "TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE.rotateFrame";
connectAttr "place2dTexture3.mirrorU" "TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE.mirrorU";
connectAttr "place2dTexture3.mirrorV" "TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE.mirrorV";
connectAttr "place2dTexture3.stagger" "TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE.stagger";
connectAttr "place2dTexture3.wrapU" "TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE.wrapU";
connectAttr "place2dTexture3.wrapV" "TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE.wrapV";
connectAttr "place2dTexture3.repeatUV" "TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE.repeatUV";
connectAttr "place2dTexture3.offset" "TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE.offset";
connectAttr "place2dTexture3.rotateUV" "TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE.rotateUV";
connectAttr "place2dTexture3.noiseUV" "TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE.noiseUV";
connectAttr "place2dTexture3.vertexUvOne" "TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE.vertexUvOne";
connectAttr "place2dTexture3.vertexUvTwo" "TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE.vertexUvTwo";
connectAttr "place2dTexture3.vertexUvThree" "TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE.vertexUvThree";
connectAttr "place2dTexture3.vertexCameraOne" "TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE.vertexCameraOne"
connectAttr "place2dTexture3.outUV" "TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE.uvCoord";
connectAttr "place2dTexture3.outUvFilterSize" "TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE.uvFilterSize"
connectAttr "place2dTexture4.coverage" "SKIDS_TEXTURE_FILE.coverage";
connectAttr "place2dTexture4.translateFrame" "SKIDS_TEXTURE_FILE.translateFrame"
connectAttr "place2dTexture4.rotateFrame" "SKIDS_TEXTURE_FILE.rotateFrame";
connectAttr "place2dTexture4.mirrorU" "SKIDS_TEXTURE_FILE.mirrorU";
connectAttr "place2dTexture4.mirrorV" "SKIDS_TEXTURE_FILE.mirrorV";
connectAttr "place2dTexture4.stagger" "SKIDS_TEXTURE_FILE.stagger";
connectAttr "place2dTexture4.wrapU" "SKIDS_TEXTURE_FILE.wrapU";
connectAttr "place2dTexture4.wrapV" "SKIDS_TEXTURE_FILE.wrapV";
connectAttr "place2dTexture4.repeatUV" "SKIDS_TEXTURE_FILE.repeatUV";
connectAttr "place2dTexture4.offset" "SKIDS_TEXTURE_FILE.offset";
connectAttr "place2dTexture4.rotateUV" "SKIDS_TEXTURE_FILE.rotateUV";
connectAttr "place2dTexture4.noiseUV" "SKIDS_TEXTURE_FILE.noiseUV";
connectAttr "place2dTexture4.vertexUvOne" "SKIDS_TEXTURE_FILE.vertexUvOne";
connectAttr "place2dTexture4.vertexUvTwo" "SKIDS_TEXTURE_FILE.vertexUvTwo";
connectAttr "place2dTexture4.vertexUvThree" "SKIDS_TEXTURE_FILE.vertexUvThree";
connectAttr "place2dTexture4.vertexCameraOne" "SKIDS_TEXTURE_FILE.vertexCameraOne"
connectAttr "place2dTexture4.outUV" "SKIDS_TEXTURE_FILE.uvCoord";
connectAttr "place2dTexture4.outUvFilterSize" "SKIDS_TEXTURE_FILE.uvFilterSize";
connectAttr "uvChooser1.outVertexUvOne" "place2dTexture4.vertexUvOne";
connectAttr "uvChooser1.outVertexUvTwo" "place2dTexture4.vertexUvTwo";
connectAttr "uvChooser1.outVertexUvThree" "place2dTexture4.vertexUvThree";
connectAttr "uvChooser1.outVertexCameraOne" "place2dTexture4.vertexCameraOne";
connectAttr "uvChooser1.outUv" "place2dTexture4.uvCoord";
connectAttr "TRKASPHShape.uvSet[1].uvSetName" "uvChooser1.uvSets[0]";
relationship "link" ":lightLinker1" ":initialShadingGroup.message" ":defaultLightSet.message";
relationship "link" ":lightLinker1" ":initialParticleSE.message" ":defaultLightSet.message";
relationship "link" ":lightLinker1" "lambert3SG.message" ":defaultLightSet.message";
relationship "shadowLink" ":lightLinker1" ":initialShadingGroup.message" ":defaultLightSet.message";
relationship "shadowLink" ":lightLinker1" ":initialParticleSE.message" ":defaultLightSet.message";
relationship "shadowLink" ":lightLinker1" "lambert3SG.message" ":defaultLightSet.message";
connectAttr "lambert3SG.partition" ":renderPartition.sets" -nextAvailable;
connectAttr "LAMBERT_MATERIAL.message" ":defaultShaderList1.shaders" -nextAvailable
connectAttr "place2dTexture3.message" ":defaultRenderUtilityList1.utilities" -nextAvailable
connectAttr "place2dTexture4.message" ":defaultRenderUtilityList1.utilities" -nextAvailable
connectAttr "TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE.message" ":defaultTextureList1.textures" -nextAvailable
connectAttr "SKIDS_TEXTURE_FILE.message" ":defaultTextureList1.textures" -nextAvailable
dataStructure -fmt "raw" -as "name=externalContentTable:string=node:string=key:string=upath:uint32=upathcrc:string=rpath:string=roles";
applyMetadata -fmt "raw" -v "channel\nname externalContentTable\nstream\nname v1.0\nindexType numeric\nstructure externalContentTable\n0\n\"TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE\" \"fileTextureName\" \"C:/Users/Warlock/Documents/maya/projects/GPB_Tracks/Surface_test/sourceimages/asphalt_black_yellowLine.tga\" 2147407300 \"C:/Users/Warlock/Documents/maya/projects/GPB_Tracks/Surface_test/sourceimages/asphalt_black_yellowLine.tga\" \"sourceImages\"\n1\n\"SKIDS_TEXTURE_FILE\" \"fileTextureName\" \"C:/Users/Warlock/Documents/maya/projects/GPB_Tracks/Surface_test/sourceimages/skids1_inverted.tga\" 2204639217 \"C:/Users/Warlock/Documents/maya/projects/GPB_Tracks/Surface_test/sourceimages/skids1_inverted.tga\" \"sourceImages\"\nendStream\nendChannel\nendAssociations\n"
// End of ASCII_export.ma

Thank you


Piboso i uploaded an FBX ASCII export of the scene, hope it helps. The one i posted above is not FBX its just ASCII



Hi,  i remember i worked so many days in 3dsmax to do tyre marks,  sometimes it was showing black tyre marks as another texture(full opacity)  and sometimes it was nothing to see(full ttransparency),  I've tried many ways like using alpha channel in photoshop and opacity,  but nothing worked as i would. Now i have more time to do test and more skills,  i will try to understand exactly how it does and when a solution will appears i will come here to post.


June 02, 2016, 06:50:55 PM #2 Last Edit: June 02, 2016, 06:53:53 PM by Warlock
Thank you Jan, is definitely possible with 3DSmax

Check piboso's posted screenshot:

Tyre marks should work the same as puddles but in a different channel of the material and its own UVmap.

Tyre maks doesn't even need an alpha channel, without it would use multiply blending.


Piboso i uploaded an FBX ASCII export of the scene, hope it helps. The one i posted above is not FBX its just ASCII





Interesting approach Warlock :) I like your creativity !


Unfortunately at the moment the secondary textures are not supported in FBX2EDF.
"La perfezione non è il nostro obiettivo, è la nostra tendenza".


Thanks Piboso, but please put what you just have said in the track creation rules page. I think i've aged five years in a month trying to make this work.  :-\

Any chance to update FBX2EDF to support it?   That would let us free to work with the software we feel more comfortable .

So, secondary textures will only work with 3dsMax 2010 with 2010 export plugin.
......mmm 3dsMax is now in version 2017 , just saying   :P

Thanks anyway , at least now i know what i have to do.  :)


Phillips Island is exactly the same graphically as it was when I first got GPB nearly 7 years ago Warlock so..................

I think and hope TTB will be a LOT newer under the hood

GPBOC Live Streams: https://www.youtube.com/c/IASystemsComputerControls; i7 12700K 5.1GHz Z690 ASUS Strix Z690-A Mobo 32GB 3600MHz DDR4 RAM ASUS Strix RTX3080 OC 10GB DDR6X ASUS Ryujin 360 AOI Cooler ROG Thor 1200w PSU in ROG Helios Tower Case.


That doesn't mean we have to work with 7 years old tools DD
Real Philip Island track im sure uses new machines to resurface the track, and is the same lyout as always.  ;D

TTB won't substitute GPB as far as i know ,  even if it have newer tools and graphics,  GPB shouldn't be abandoned


I think the point is that if the FBX2EDF converter was sorted then there wouldn't be a need for the 3dsmax exporter at all..... I think this was probably the original idea behind the FBX converter so that one tool could service many apps.  :)



Another post raised from the dead!

Is the secondary texture in fbx2edf problem on the 'to do' list ?