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GP Bikes beta20

Started by PiBoSo, December 18, 2021, 11:40:05 AM

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Removing dashes did not work and now really pissed off as no help from Piboso on this

GPBOC Live Streams: https://www.youtube.com/c/IASystemsComputerControls; i7 12700K 5.1GHz Z690 ASUS Strix Z690-A Mobo 32GB 3600MHz DDR4 RAM ASUS Strix RTX3080 OC 10GB DDR6X ASUS Ryujin 360 AOI Cooler ROG Thor 1200w PSU in ROG Helios Tower Case.


You are doing something wrong DD, everyone is converting key to Steam with no problem.

1) Go to this link and put the email of the Paypal you used to buy the game and the gpbikes key, then click Submit.


2) When u click submit you get a NEW KEY, you need that key to activate the game on Steam.

3) Open Steam, go to Products -> Activate Steam Product and put the NEW KEY and press Submit.

4) Download the game on Steam, you will have to copy your mods to the new directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\GP Bikes

Hope you can convert it, you did a lot of work for this game during a lot of years!!
Champion of Summer Cup 2012 and SRC125cc.<br />Subchampion of SRC500cc.<br />Admin of @gpbikes_fans<br />Personal instagram @lluiscabedo


Quote from: lluisete on December 20, 2021, 09:35:17 AMI really love to see GPBikes on Steam and having this level of physics, optimization and little helps for beginners.

But  it's still unbelieble that the M2 stock bike can be that unreal.

Can anyone explain me why just braking in 3rd gear the rear tyre slides like a hell? Even with a long gear like 4th it slides just braking without downshifting! It's just nosense, not a the level of the game and should be fixed becuase its the first impression new players will have and its just obviusly unreal.

couldnt agree more. The stock M2 machine is way unrealistic, but its not even particularly believable - this video case in point.

This bike has about 20-30bhp more than the standard Honda bikes, it has a power curve completely different from a CBR (what the engine is based off) and now with the update the chassis is way too soft.

I dont know how this gets overlooked time and time again, it took me 1/2 an hour to find accurate power maps, dimensions and weight for a kalex on google, and every single beta a change gets requested. Its the entire reason why Ive been 'rebuilding' it as a mod.


Maybe Piboso can use your input to make the M2 more realistic? ;)


Always on the edge



Quote from: JohnnoNinja on December 24, 2021, 03:36:34 PMMaybe Piboso can use your input to make the M2 more realistic? ;)

If you find reviews of youtubers testing the demo major part of then dont talk very well about the game because the base bike is just bad and they dont know mods are better.

Is not that hard to take the physics of some good mod and put it into that M2 so newcomers and reviwers who just play the stock content can enjoy since minute one and talk good about the game. We cant imagine how much people this game lost because of that bike.
Champion of Summer Cup 2012 and SRC125cc.<br />Subchampion of SRC500cc.<br />Admin of @gpbikes_fans<br />Personal instagram @lluiscabedo


I think this is a serious problem indeed. Some players can still be impressed by the gpb's physics and decides to buy the game nonetheless. Others may think the problem is the physics engine.
I think PiBoSo should really be doing a rework of the M2 data and correct the most basic things too like engine. I hope this is taken into account for real and will be solved for the next update.
Always on the edge


Quote from: lluisete on December 26, 2021, 02:45:25 PM
Quote from: JohnnoNinja on December 24, 2021, 03:36:34 PMMaybe Piboso can use your input to make the M2 more realistic? ;)

If you find reviews of youtubers testing the demo major part of then dont talk very well about the game because the base bike is just bad and they dont know mods are better.

Is not that hard to take the physics of some good mod and put it into that M2 so newcomers and reviwers who just play the stock content can enjoy since minute one and talk good about the game. We cant imagine how much people this game lost because of that bike.

You seem to forget that Piboso has to abide by the laws of copyrights and intellectual property rights..... Piboso cannot just simply break those laws and get away with it like many modders do here, it would involve all sorts of complications in law for piboso to simply copy over a modded bikes data into the default stock bike for the demo.... Complications Piboso no doubt can do without. ;)


No physics are even in the gray zone though. 3d files, sure. But the config files are all clean right?
I had to try..


January 04, 2022, 05:36:09 PM #25 Last Edit: January 04, 2022, 05:38:53 PM by lluisete
Quote from: Hawk on December 29, 2021, 06:26:04 PM
Quote from: lluisete on December 26, 2021, 02:45:25 PM
Quote from: JohnnoNinja on December 24, 2021, 03:36:34 PMMaybe Piboso can use your input to make the M2 more realistic? ;)

If you find reviews of youtubers testing the demo major part of then dont talk very well about the game because the base bike is just bad and they dont know mods are better.

Is not that hard to take the physics of some good mod and put it into that M2 so newcomers and reviwers who just play the stock content can enjoy since minute one and talk good about the game. We cant imagine how much people this game lost because of that bike.

You seem to forget that Piboso has to abide by the laws of copyrights and intellectual property rights..... Piboso cannot just simply break those laws and get away with it like many modders do here, it would involve all sorts of complications in law for piboso to simply copy over a modded bikes data into the default stock bike for the demo.... Complications Piboso no doubt can do without. ;)

We are talking about the physics of the M2 are not real, nobody cares about copyrighted models, dont know what u talking about ¿?

Just talk with some good modders as VSM, Javi, Manu.. and take their physics and let beginners enjoy the game since day 1. M2 bike is just not at the level of the game, seems a bit hater but its just the reality and will make people dont like the game. Anyone that just rided a bike IRL know it, its nothing new.
Champion of Summer Cup 2012 and SRC125cc.<br />Subchampion of SRC500cc.<br />Admin of @gpbikes_fans<br />Personal instagram @lluiscabedo


Quote from: Hawk on December 29, 2021, 06:26:04 PMYou seem to forget that Piboso has to abide by the laws of copyrights and intellectual property rights..... Piboso cannot just simply break those laws and get away with it like many modders do here, it would involve all sorts of complications in law for piboso to simply copy over a modded bikes data into the default stock bike for the demo.... Complications Piboso no doubt can do without. ;)

Good artists copy, great artists steal. Pablo Picasso and Steve Jobs later.  ;D

When ordinary people defends a multimillion dollar company which can defend itself, something is wrong in the world. Do not get angry just the opinion of a nobody like me ;)
It's Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.


Quote from: lluisete on January 04, 2022, 05:36:09 PM
Quote from: Hawk on December 29, 2021, 06:26:04 PM
Quote from: lluisete on December 26, 2021, 02:45:25 PM
Quote from: JohnnoNinja on December 24, 2021, 03:36:34 PMMaybe Piboso can use your input to make the M2 more realistic? ;)

If you find reviews of youtubers testing the demo major part of then dont talk very well about the game because the base bike is just bad and they dont know mods are better.

Is not that hard to take the physics of some good mod and put it into that M2 so newcomers and reviwers who just play the stock content can enjoy since minute one and talk good about the game. We cant imagine how much people this game lost because of that bike.

You seem to forget that Piboso has to abide by the laws of copyrights and intellectual property rights..... Piboso cannot just simply break those laws and get away with it like many modders do here, it would involve all sorts of complications in law for piboso to simply copy over a modded bikes data into the default stock bike for the demo.... Complications Piboso no doubt can do without. ;)

We are talking about the physics of the M2 are not real, nobody cares about copyrighted models, dont know what u talking about ¿?

Just talk with some good modders as VSM, Javi, Manu.. and take their physics and let beginners enjoy the game since day 1. M2 bike is just not at the level of the game, seems a bit hater but its just the reality and will make people dont like the game. Anyone that just rided a bike IRL know it, its nothing new.
There's no need to copy. PiBoSo can do it alone😉
Always on the edge


"La perfezione non è il nostro obiettivo, è la nostra tendenza".


Bike and tracks registration updated.

Please note that the registration of mod bikes must be updated by the creators.
"La perfezione non è il nostro obiettivo, è la nostra tendenza".