What a nice suprise
Almost forgot about this

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Quote from: Meyer#12 on March 17, 2019, 06:34:04 PM
These small 300's really make for good racing!
Had two great races, the second one better than the first!![]()
Race one i was just a little behind Wimp, just too far to get into slipstream and crashed when i got into a rhythm where i caught up just a tiny bit but the rest of the race was great!
Race two was a tight fight with Julix all race, thanks for the awesome race mate!![]()
Ps. Sorry for the squeeze on lap 1 in race 2 Wimp..
Quote from: lluisete on December 06, 2018, 10:46:07 PMQuote from: Wimp #97 on December 06, 2018, 10:45:09 PM
Also iluisete, why don't I get P5 points for race2? I see other people get last place points when they don't finish the race
Quote from: Hebe on December 06, 2018, 10:35:10 PM
wimp I have gone long in the first braking, anyway I had the interior and you have not left much space and also on my screen it has not come out that I have hit my bike or moved
Quote from: Hebe on December 06, 2018, 10:22:10 PM
wimp ... the races are like that, one goes well and another bad you can not do anything, the first has been clean for you because you've thrown me twice although it was impressive.
You can not complain that they throw you when in each race you have thrown someone ..
anyway the next I hope it is just as fun greetings!
Quote from: Myst1cPrun3 on November 14, 2018, 08:21:41 PM
I'm gonna guess the R6 is the preffered bikeXD