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February 18, 2025, 06:45:25 AM


GP Bikes beta21c available! :)

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Messages - Chris_Beeves

Good to hear you got it running. There are some tweaks than can be made to make it run a bit better. And turning off the damn ASW (asynchronous space warp) permanently.
Virtual desktop did not work with q3.
Only Native oculus streaming through the meta/oculus application and running gpbikes in oculus mode. Not sure what you mean if that is not clear.
OpenXR I have no idea, gpb uses openVR so shouldn't matter?
Quote from: doubledragoncc on January 14, 2025, 09:38:52 AMCan you please write clearly what you mean by "metas own software" How did you connect to PC? Link cable or wifi? And what program in meta please?

Thanks Chris


The normal oculus software, both WiFi and usb worked for me. Just not starting gpbikes in steamvr mode, but oculus mode. I don't have the q3 at home now, but I'll test again when I do.
My quest 3 worked fine without warping through metas own software. Any software that goes through steam does not work well though.
Strange and a shame, it's a nice headset!

I think the WRS people would disagree with you ;)
GPB is the most niche title with the (by faaaar) smallest player base. I'm glad we get updates at all!
Quest3 works just fine used with the native software right? I only had issues with virtual desktop and steam link.

I see what you mean of course, and an update to support all newer headsets would be nice. I'm sure Pibs will get on it when he finds the time. After all, the software is still in beta.
A perfect excuse to get the Crystal light. You can thank piboso later ;)
Hey DD!

He is not active in gpb. I have talked to him though, in discord if I remember correctly.

Interesting project!
Quest headsets work fine native (as fine as that meta lump of fuzz software can anyway). Quest 3 is troublesome over steamVR though. An openVR update might do the trick there, as it seems the current implementation doesn't support certain resolution ratios for some reason

Big screen beyond and Varjo XR3 suffers the same, but the Varjo XR4 works fine.

 Fingers crossed we get some fresh air soon!
Virtual Reality / Re: GPBikes and Pimax headset
November 10, 2024, 09:03:21 AM
I have the OG Crystal and it works fine through SteamVR.. Not sure why the light would be different, I guess your pimax play software is up to date?
Custom hardware / Re: Motion rig project
September 27, 2024, 06:37:15 AM
Since last time the whole steering system has been revised. Much stronger!

Now also the actuators are being upgraded to eRacingLabs RS MEGA+. In the mounting and adapting process right now:

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Plugins / Re: Output plugins
September 19, 2024, 12:28:40 PM
int m_aiWheelMaterial[2];          /* material index. 0 = not in contact */

That will give you data on what material each wheel is touching.

0 airborne
1 asphalt
2 asphalt b
3 asphalt c
4 concrete
5 grass
6 sand
7 kerb
8 soil
9 painted asphalt
10 astroturf
Virtual Reality / Re: Quest 3 and virtual desktop
August 25, 2024, 08:11:53 PM
Getting the game running with GPB is no problem at all. Works every time, plug&play.

The issue is when using Virtual Desktop. Well just have to wait and see if pibs wants to take a look at it
Virtual Reality / Re: Quest 3 and virtual desktop
August 25, 2024, 03:23:02 PM
SteamVR-mode via link cable you mean? Just starting the game in steam mode with the q3? Not sure I tried that.
Virtual Reality / Re: Quest 3 and virtual desktop
August 25, 2024, 09:45:24 AM
It's something with the resolution symmetry. Link and airlink works  (oculus/meta native) but anything else like Steam Link or Virtual Desktop that goes through steamVR seems to have issues with fov/distortion. I only have it on GPB though.
I have talked to the developers of VD and they also refer to the openVR version used by gpb. Piboso only recommends using meta link/airlink
Virtual Reality / Re: Quest 3 and virtual desktop
August 24, 2024, 09:05:46 PM
I think you can let it go for now DD, only pibs can fix this. Thanks for trying though!