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Topics - Napalm Nick

When I go to Settings, make any change and click OK it causes a core - Note : Happens online.
Without being sarcastic I think @PiBoSo needs to use this thread to understand the monster he is creating for new players to get the game working.

Just about every new player is struggling. There is only so much help the community (even Matty) will repeat (and Matty has the patience of a Saint).

I would suggest a revamp of the whole MOD scene unless Steam Workshop is being considered for the V1 release later this year (OK I made that up).
General Discussion / Rip Professor Hans B Pacejka
October 27, 2017, 08:21:48 PM
Not sure if we missed this .
Did we ever understand the formula?

RIP ( may you no longer be 'tired')

On behalf of the CAWS MOD TEAM -

MV Agusta 500 Triple

MV Agusta 500cc Triple WIKI LINK
THE MV AGUSTA 500 Three - Giacomo Agostini rode the 500 Three to seven consecutive 500cc World Championships Grand Prix motorcycle racing from 1966 to 1972. This is the Grand Prix version modified to 6 gears (from 7) to stay within the new evolving rules of the time

In the Official BikeMOD HERE Friday 27th October 2017

Now Beta 12 holds the tyre files separately - Don't forget the TYRES and STANDS (will also be in the BikeMod).

All feedback is good.

Special appreciation to H106FRP for building this bike from SCRATCH - great 3d work and physics.

Points of Interest: No rev limiter: Be careful not to over-rev on the grid or in neutral or damage WILL occur suddenly
Gear for top speed at safe Revs.
Tyres initial temperature may be lower than optimum - do some laps before pushing.
Use SHIFT HELP for best results (no semi/ autoshifters on these) you can still do Manual when needed.


On behalf of the CAWS MOD TEAM - Something totally new and special!

Norton Manx & Norton Manx Sprint

1946-1962 Norton Manx (IOM GP) & Norton Manx Sprint (Short-course)


In the Official BikeMOD HERE Friday 6th October 2017

Now Beta 12 holds the tyre files separately - Don't forget the TYRES and STANDS (will also be in the BikeMod).

All feedback is good.

Special appreciation to H106FRP for building these bikes from SCRATCH - great 3d work.

Points of Note:

1. SHIFT-HELP should be used on this bike if not using fully manual clutch.
2. No engine rpm limiter - excessive over-revving over time will break the engine.

Tyre data:

Legends HARD

Optimum temperature 65oC
Optimum pressure 180/26.1
Tyre heaters max 60oC

On behalf of the CAWS MOD TEAM -

Ducati 916 Corsa 955 Factory

1996 955cc 90o V twin Factory

In the Official BikeMOD HERE Friday 6th October 2017

Now Beta 12 holds the tyre files separately - Don't forget the TYRES and STANDS (will also be in the BikeMod).

All feedback is good.

Special appreciation to H106FRP for building this bike from SCRATCH (916 Mod) - great 3d work and physics.


On behalf of the CAWS MOD TEAM -

Ducati 916 STRADA

1994-1998 90o V twin - watch out for the 916 SP/SPS and 955


In the Official BikeMOD HERE Friday 29th September 2017

Now Beta 12 holds the tyre files separately - Don't forget the TYRES (will also be in the BikeMod).

All feedback is good.

Special appreciation to H106FRP for building this bike from SCRATCH - great 3d work and physics.

Bug Reports / Game SETTINGS
September 13, 2017, 08:51:48 PM
When going to settings screen (EG to change SHIFT HELP Setting ETC) once the OK button is clicked the screen goes black as the new resolution is set (Even if resolution hasn't been changed!) and the countdown box appears to confirm that you are sure (::)).

Problem - on large tracks or tracks that have a lot of people in, the time the screen is black can often be longer than the Countdown timer allows, so effectively it defaults to "no I didn't mean to make changes" and returns to the pit without any settings changed.

Running a triple screen here and on a memory hungry scenario is probably why the resolution set-up takes so long and is rarely reported.

Possible solution - Don't have that screen check and set the resolution unless that setting has been changed / Have a longer timer / Get rid of the "are you sure you want to do this" step completely / Stick two fingers up at multi screen users  :D

Bug reported.
OK so I would like to suggest, for the next update or ASAP, as a way to remove the frustration of online races, whether permanently or temporarily (until V1), that the DISQUALIFICATION of riders at race start is REMOVED completely and perhaps replaced by a 10 second penalty (ride-through's don't really work either).

Every single race is marred by people moving a bit or dropping onto the track etc and getting a DISQUALIFICATION and having to restart the race or send riders home.

Preference: Please remove it for the foreseeable future or at least make the Disqual a server feature (this could even then be permanent).

Riders - please +1 if you have reached your wits end with this problem  :) Thank you.
Owners Club / First Person Riding
August 29, 2017, 10:19:31 PM
Peter the Great has set up a CAWS #5 server that is limited to First Person Only riding.

Now the Stats have been reset (and while no other server connected to the Best Laps website uses the tracks we choose for this server) you can view the laptimes here:


Currently the server runs Misano GP 03 V0.7 so select that.

I will post a screenshot here now and again too.

For those that set a time let us know if you would like a race after week or so, then we can race and change the track for the next week.
New thread to give out the mod team news and views relevant to Beta 12,13,14 and to receive any feedback in each thread please.

Please note that all the bikes we don't hold the 3D files for (eg: GPBItalia mods) may not be re-appearing. :(


1. Bikes - Moto 3 Bike Set released

2. Bikes - R6 Cup bike released.

3. Bikes - SSP600 Bike Set released

4. Bikes - GP500 Bike Set released

5. Bikes - SV650 Minitwin released

6. Bikes - STOCK1000 Bike Set released

7. Bikes - DUCATI 916 Released

8. Bikes - Ducati 955 Corsa released

9. Bikes - Manx Norton and Norton Manx Sprint released

10. Bikes - 2013/2014 Moto 2 Bike Set released

11. Bikes - MV Agusta 500 Triple released


1. Tracks - Catalunya LS

2. Tracks - Oulton Park

3. Tracks - Knockhill

4. Tracks - Donington Park

5. Tracks - Brands Hatch

6. Tracks - Olivers Mount

CAWS are now running a 'Database' to capture every community feedback comment
Owners Club / [RACE 7]Brands Hatch GP _NDS
July 16, 2017, 08:50:24 PM
Started this to help out lol.

Good win fin.

Someone teach me the art of staying on pleeeeeeeease!  ;D

Lapped and still 4th not a bad result for the TEAM points.
General Discussion / 504 Error
June 13, 2017, 10:07:59 PM
Seems some people are still getting this. I just got it sending a PM
CAWS just released this track (CATALUNYA_LS )a little before full completion (needs some work on textures and shaders) for feedback from the forum when possible please.

Many thanks!

PS: Don't forget if it crashes during load you will probably need the LAA Hack  ;)
Support / ziyaad problems
May 28, 2017, 08:08:28 PM
Missing bike continued....
Owners Club / [PHOTOS] GPBOC GP250 Championship
March 30, 2017, 09:22:48 PM
And so it begins....
  ::) :D
Dear Pib.

When you get 5 minutes could you consider adding a server ability to further enhance your excellent weather effects, that allows rain to begin after a certain time/amount of laps during a/any session? Maybe also the option to set the strength of the rain much like the track 'wetness' percentage?

I know, I know, priority zero, you can get off the floor laughing.

Documentation / Dedicated Server - Video Guides
July 31, 2016, 09:32:07 PM
I made these Dedicated Server tips videos to help out our very own DoubleDragonCC  - A series of videos I like to call "How to train your Dragon".

Before I leave I thought I would share them in the hope it may help others. I think Matty has used them to some success.

I posted them here because just above this you see PiBoSo's Dedicated Server Guide. So hopefully that is OK. If not I am sure they can be Moved or Deleted as required.

So anyway, sorry they are voiced very boringly  ::) if I thought I was going to post them I would of tried with a silky Barry White voice or something.

1. Checking your IP address
2. Making your IP static
3. Forwarding Ports
4. Install GPBikes for Server
5. Getting the Server to run
6. GPB Server -Dedicated .ini Setup
7. Running the Server

Off Topic / 29th July - OSexit - In or out?
June 30, 2016, 08:56:01 PM

W10 referendum - last chance to get it for free(dom), offer ends July 29th.  :o

Do we all move up to W10 to pull together in a Microsoft Union group-hug and share our most private thoughts with the world or is it time to take back control in a mighty show of strength and say "stuff that Bill, I like the dark ages"?

What are you gonna do ??
Off Topic / Joey the man who conquered the TT
June 21, 2016, 10:25:27 PM
 Not sure if this has ever been posted before couldn't find it in the forum but another great mini documentary to have a watch of if you didn't see it yet. TTB on the mind and all that.  ;)
Not a big fan of the commentators script but some nice memories.