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Topics - 3dstuff

General Discussion / Licence already in use
June 09, 2023, 06:34:40 PM
Hello Piboso, happen frequently that when i enter a server and for some reason the game crash during syncing, or i cant join a race for connection errors etc. when i retry, i get instead of SYNCING, "Licence already in use" message, for what i see is a dedicated server disconnection problem, it not recognize my game crash or my joining net problem, and for some reason my user remain active in the server i cannot rejoin until i don't know, some time i hope.
How to avoid, is a server problem?
I want add that sometime i retry and it work, i can join same race, happens randomly or for unknown reasons.
Bug Reports / Bike Reset bug beta 9b
October 05, 2016, 05:01:17 PM
The reset "r" key did not function without a crash, it function only if the rider/bike is on the terrain crashed, if the bike is stopped without crash the "r" key won't reset the bike.
Also i noticed that in case of crash, the reset button put the moto outside the track in place and orientation of the last position of the crash.

in the beta8 i did not noticed this bugs, the bike always reset if the motor is off, also the orientation and position after crash and reset are ok

Hope it helps