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Topics - Warlock

Support / Analog display problem
July 23, 2016, 10:01:21 PM

Is it possible to add a 4th  stepangle/value  to analog displays?

This analog display has 3 different steping angles:
From 0 to 6000 --- 6000 to 7000 --- 7000 to top rpm
It's a Dellorto Matrix4 Dashboard

Seems GPB can only accept 3 angle steps 0-1-2, doesn't work with a fourth.

This work, but is not accurate below 7000rpm
enable = 1
needle = rpm_needle       
axis = y
step0value = 2906    (from idle....)
step0angle = 10
                        step1value = 7000    (to 7000....)
step1angle = 37
                        step2value = 14000   (to top rpm)
step2angle = 172


I would need this:

enable = 1
needle = rpm_needle       
axis = y
step0value = 2906    (from idle....)
step0angle = 10
                        step1value = 6000    (to 6000....)
step1angle = 23
                        step2value = 7000    (to 7000....)
step2angle = 38
                        step3value = 14000   (to top rpm)
step3angle = 172


Thank you !

Mods / Track tyre marks - Maya - fbx2edf
June 02, 2016, 12:50:27 AM
Hello Piboso, please, i've been struggling with this for too long now and im getting really frustrated with such a simple thing.

From track creation rules:
For tyre marks, a second texture can be defined using Opacity channel and a secondary UV mapping. Textures with alpha channel will be drawn with alpha blending, while ones without alpha channel will be drawn with multiply blending.

For rain puddles (track reflections) a third texture can be set in the Glossiness or Specular Level channel, and a secondary UV mapping. The alpha channel is used to define puddles on wet surfaces (asphalt and concrete).

Please correct me if i'm wrong with this:

- I created a texture with the tyre marks, with or without alpha channel it will blend anyway, alpha blending or multiply blending.
- Also created a secondary UV mapping for the track mesh and link the tyre marks texture to this secondary UV map. This way i overlay 2 textures in the same object (track mesh), one repeats all along the track (asphalt texture+ primary UV map) and the other one doesnt repeat along the track, only where you want to (tyre texture+ secondary UV map)

-To make it work in GPB both textures must be in the same material you assigned to the track mesh. Asphalt texture is linked to the color property of the material, and tyre texture is linked to the opacity property of the material

And here is the problem, Autodesk Maya doesn't have any Opacity , Glossiness or Specular properties in its main materials (lambert, blinn , phong)
3DSmax does, obviously, KRP track modders used them and it worked.

This are the material properties in Maya.   (it has more, but raytrace options etc, nothing relevant for this problem)

I would say Opacity in 3DSMAx is what Transparency is in Maya, i tried linking the tyre marks texture to this channel but fxb2edf doesn't seem to recognize it. Once converted the fbx file to .map file i only see the tarmac texture.

Is somehow fbx2edf searching for an opacity channel in the fbx file, but found Transparency instead and ignores it?

It would really great if fbx2edf could take all shaders, materials, maps directly from the fbx export. Nice and tidy  :)

Im going to put here and ASCII export i did from Maya with a very simple example in case it helps. It's a poly plane with 4 faces  (a micro track  :) )  with the texturing method i explained above.

//Maya ASCII 2015 scene
//Name: ASCII_export.ma
//Last modified: Wed, Jun 01, 2016 11:26:17 PM
//Codeset: 1252
requires maya "2015";
currentUnit -linear centimeter -angle degree -time film;
fileInfo "application" "maya";
fileInfo "product" "Maya 2015";
fileInfo "version" "2015";
fileInfo "cutIdentifier" "201503261530-955654";
fileInfo "osv" "Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition, 64-bit Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)\n";
createNode transform -name "TRKASPH";
createNode mesh -name "TRKASPHShape" -parent "TRKASPH";
setAttr -keyable off ".visibility";
setAttr ".visibleInReflections" yes;
setAttr ".visibleInRefractions" yes;
setAttr ".uvPivot" -type "double2" 0.49999992013908923 0.499999979743734 ;
setAttr -size 2 ".uvSet";
setAttr ".uvSet[0].uvSetName" -type "string" "TARMAC_UV_MAP";
setAttr -size 9 ".uvSet[0].uvSetPoints[0:8]" -type "float2" 0 0 0.5
0 1 0 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 0.5 0 1 0.5 1 1 1;
setAttr ".uvSet[1].uvSetName" -type "string" "SKIDS_UV_MAP";
setAttr -size 4 ".uvSet[1].uvSetPoints[0:3]" -type "float2" 0.0019920063
0.0019920063 0.99800783 0.0019920063 0.99800783 0.99800795 0.0019920063 0.99800795;
setAttr ".currentUVSet" -type "string" "SKIDS_UV_MAP";
setAttr ".displayColorChannel" -type "string" "Ambient+Diffuse";
setAttr ".collisionOffsetVelocityMultiplier[0]"  0 1 1;
setAttr ".collisionDepthVelocityMultiplier[0]"  0 1 1;
setAttr -size 9 ".vrts[0:8]"  -2.5 -5.5511151e-016 2.5 0 -5.5511151e-016 2.5
2.5 -5.5511151e-016 2.5 -2.5 0 0 0 0 0 2.5 0 0 -2.5 5.5511151e-016 -2.5 0 5.5511151e-016 -2.5
2.5 5.5511151e-016 -2.5;
setAttr -size 12 ".edge[0:11]"  0 1 0 0 3 0 1 2 0 1 4 1 2 5 0 3 4 1
3 6 0 4 5 1 4 7 1 5 8 0 6 7 0 7 8 0;
setAttr -size 4 -capacityHint 16 ".face[0:3]" -type "polyFaces"
f 4 0 3 -6 -2
mu 0 4 0 1 4 3
f 4 2 4 -8 -4
mu 0 4 1 2 5 4
f 4 5 8 -11 -7
mu 0 4 3 4 7 6
mu 1 4 0 1 2 3
f 4 7 9 -12 -9
mu 0 4 4 5 8 7;
setAttr ".creaseData" -type "dataPolyComponent" Index_Data Edge 0 ;
setAttr ".creaseVertexData" -type "dataPolyComponent" Index_Data Vertex 0 ;
setAttr ".holeFaceData" -type "dataPolyComponent" Index_Data Face 0 ;
createNode materialInfo -name "materialInfo3";
createNode shadingEngine -name "lambert3SG";
setAttr ".isHistoricallyInteresting" 0;
setAttr ".renderableOnlySet" yes;
createNode lambert -name "LAMBERT_MATERIAL";
createNode file -name "TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE";
setAttr ".fileTextureName" -type "string" "C:/Users/Warlock/Documents/maya/projects/GPB_Tracks/Surface_test//sourceimages/asphalt_black_yellowLine.tga";
createNode place2dTexture -name "place2dTexture3";
createNode file -name "SKIDS_TEXTURE_FILE";
setAttr ".fileTextureName" -type "string" "C:/Users/Warlock/Documents/maya/projects/GPB_Tracks/Surface_test//sourceimages/skids1_inverted.tga";
createNode place2dTexture -name "place2dTexture4";
createNode uvChooser -name "uvChooser1";
createNode lightLinker -shared -name "lightLinker1";
setAttr -size 5 ".link";
setAttr -size 5 ".shadowLink";
select -noExpand :time1;
setAttr ".outTime" 1;
setAttr ".unwarpedTime" 1;
select -noExpand :renderPartition;
setAttr -size 5 ".sets";
select -noExpand :renderGlobalsList1;
select -noExpand :defaultShaderList1;
setAttr -size 4 ".shaders";
select -noExpand :postProcessList1;
setAttr -size 2 ".postProcesses";
select -noExpand :defaultRenderUtilityList1;
setAttr -size 4 ".utilities";
select -noExpand :defaultRenderingList1;
select -noExpand :defaultTextureList1;
setAttr -size 4 ".textures";
select -noExpand :initialShadingGroup;
setAttr ".renderableOnlySet" yes;
select -noExpand :initialParticleSE;
setAttr ".renderableOnlySet" yes;
select -noExpand :defaultResolution;
setAttr ".pixelAspect" 1;
select -noExpand :hardwareRenderGlobals;
setAttr ".colorTextureResolution" 256;
setAttr ".bumpTextureResolution" 512;
select -noExpand :hardwareRenderingGlobals;
setAttr ".objectTypeFilterNameArray" -type "stringArray" 22 "NURBS Curves" "NURBS Surfaces" "Polygons" "Subdiv Surface" "Particles" "Particle Instance" "Fluids" "Strokes" "Image Planes" "UI" "Lights" "Cameras" "Locators" "Joints" "IK Handles" "Deformers" "Motion Trails" "Components" "Hair Systems" "Follicles" "Misc. UI" "Ornaments"  ;
setAttr ".objectTypeFilterValueArray" -type "Int32Array" 22 0 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ;
select -noExpand :defaultHardwareRenderGlobals;
setAttr ".resolution" -type "string" "ntsc_4d 646 485 1.333";
select -noExpand :ikSystem;
setAttr -size 4 ".ikSolver";
connectAttr "lambert3SG.message" "materialInfo3.shadingGroup";
connectAttr "LAMBERT_MATERIAL.message" "materialInfo3.material";
connectAttr "TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE.message" "materialInfo3.texture" -nextAvailable
connectAttr "LAMBERT_MATERIAL.outColor" "lambert3SG.surfaceShader";
connectAttr "TRKASPHShape.instObjGroups" "lambert3SG.dagSetMembers" -nextAvailable
connectAttr "TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE.outColor" "LAMBERT_MATERIAL.color";
connectAttr "SKIDS_TEXTURE_FILE.outTransparency" "LAMBERT_MATERIAL.transparency"
connectAttr "place2dTexture3.coverage" "TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE.coverage";
connectAttr "place2dTexture3.translateFrame" "TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE.translateFrame"
connectAttr "place2dTexture3.rotateFrame" "TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE.rotateFrame";
connectAttr "place2dTexture3.mirrorU" "TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE.mirrorU";
connectAttr "place2dTexture3.mirrorV" "TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE.mirrorV";
connectAttr "place2dTexture3.stagger" "TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE.stagger";
connectAttr "place2dTexture3.wrapU" "TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE.wrapU";
connectAttr "place2dTexture3.wrapV" "TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE.wrapV";
connectAttr "place2dTexture3.repeatUV" "TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE.repeatUV";
connectAttr "place2dTexture3.offset" "TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE.offset";
connectAttr "place2dTexture3.rotateUV" "TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE.rotateUV";
connectAttr "place2dTexture3.noiseUV" "TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE.noiseUV";
connectAttr "place2dTexture3.vertexUvOne" "TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE.vertexUvOne";
connectAttr "place2dTexture3.vertexUvTwo" "TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE.vertexUvTwo";
connectAttr "place2dTexture3.vertexUvThree" "TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE.vertexUvThree";
connectAttr "place2dTexture3.vertexCameraOne" "TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE.vertexCameraOne"
connectAttr "place2dTexture3.outUV" "TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE.uvCoord";
connectAttr "place2dTexture3.outUvFilterSize" "TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE.uvFilterSize"
connectAttr "place2dTexture4.coverage" "SKIDS_TEXTURE_FILE.coverage";
connectAttr "place2dTexture4.translateFrame" "SKIDS_TEXTURE_FILE.translateFrame"
connectAttr "place2dTexture4.rotateFrame" "SKIDS_TEXTURE_FILE.rotateFrame";
connectAttr "place2dTexture4.mirrorU" "SKIDS_TEXTURE_FILE.mirrorU";
connectAttr "place2dTexture4.mirrorV" "SKIDS_TEXTURE_FILE.mirrorV";
connectAttr "place2dTexture4.stagger" "SKIDS_TEXTURE_FILE.stagger";
connectAttr "place2dTexture4.wrapU" "SKIDS_TEXTURE_FILE.wrapU";
connectAttr "place2dTexture4.wrapV" "SKIDS_TEXTURE_FILE.wrapV";
connectAttr "place2dTexture4.repeatUV" "SKIDS_TEXTURE_FILE.repeatUV";
connectAttr "place2dTexture4.offset" "SKIDS_TEXTURE_FILE.offset";
connectAttr "place2dTexture4.rotateUV" "SKIDS_TEXTURE_FILE.rotateUV";
connectAttr "place2dTexture4.noiseUV" "SKIDS_TEXTURE_FILE.noiseUV";
connectAttr "place2dTexture4.vertexUvOne" "SKIDS_TEXTURE_FILE.vertexUvOne";
connectAttr "place2dTexture4.vertexUvTwo" "SKIDS_TEXTURE_FILE.vertexUvTwo";
connectAttr "place2dTexture4.vertexUvThree" "SKIDS_TEXTURE_FILE.vertexUvThree";
connectAttr "place2dTexture4.vertexCameraOne" "SKIDS_TEXTURE_FILE.vertexCameraOne"
connectAttr "place2dTexture4.outUV" "SKIDS_TEXTURE_FILE.uvCoord";
connectAttr "place2dTexture4.outUvFilterSize" "SKIDS_TEXTURE_FILE.uvFilterSize";
connectAttr "uvChooser1.outVertexUvOne" "place2dTexture4.vertexUvOne";
connectAttr "uvChooser1.outVertexUvTwo" "place2dTexture4.vertexUvTwo";
connectAttr "uvChooser1.outVertexUvThree" "place2dTexture4.vertexUvThree";
connectAttr "uvChooser1.outVertexCameraOne" "place2dTexture4.vertexCameraOne";
connectAttr "uvChooser1.outUv" "place2dTexture4.uvCoord";
connectAttr "TRKASPHShape.uvSet[1].uvSetName" "uvChooser1.uvSets[0]";
relationship "link" ":lightLinker1" ":initialShadingGroup.message" ":defaultLightSet.message";
relationship "link" ":lightLinker1" ":initialParticleSE.message" ":defaultLightSet.message";
relationship "link" ":lightLinker1" "lambert3SG.message" ":defaultLightSet.message";
relationship "shadowLink" ":lightLinker1" ":initialShadingGroup.message" ":defaultLightSet.message";
relationship "shadowLink" ":lightLinker1" ":initialParticleSE.message" ":defaultLightSet.message";
relationship "shadowLink" ":lightLinker1" "lambert3SG.message" ":defaultLightSet.message";
connectAttr "lambert3SG.partition" ":renderPartition.sets" -nextAvailable;
connectAttr "LAMBERT_MATERIAL.message" ":defaultShaderList1.shaders" -nextAvailable
connectAttr "place2dTexture3.message" ":defaultRenderUtilityList1.utilities" -nextAvailable
connectAttr "place2dTexture4.message" ":defaultRenderUtilityList1.utilities" -nextAvailable
connectAttr "TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE.message" ":defaultTextureList1.textures" -nextAvailable
connectAttr "SKIDS_TEXTURE_FILE.message" ":defaultTextureList1.textures" -nextAvailable
dataStructure -fmt "raw" -as "name=externalContentTable:string=node:string=key:string=upath:uint32=upathcrc:string=rpath:string=roles";
applyMetadata -fmt "raw" -v "channel\nname externalContentTable\nstream\nname v1.0\nindexType numeric\nstructure externalContentTable\n0\n\"TARMAC_TEXTURE_FILE\" \"fileTextureName\" \"C:/Users/Warlock/Documents/maya/projects/GPB_Tracks/Surface_test/sourceimages/asphalt_black_yellowLine.tga\" 2147407300 \"C:/Users/Warlock/Documents/maya/projects/GPB_Tracks/Surface_test/sourceimages/asphalt_black_yellowLine.tga\" \"sourceImages\"\n1\n\"SKIDS_TEXTURE_FILE\" \"fileTextureName\" \"C:/Users/Warlock/Documents/maya/projects/GPB_Tracks/Surface_test/sourceimages/skids1_inverted.tga\" 2204639217 \"C:/Users/Warlock/Documents/maya/projects/GPB_Tracks/Surface_test/sourceimages/skids1_inverted.tga\" \"sourceImages\"\nendStream\nendChannel\nendAssociations\n"
// End of ASCII_export.ma

Thank you


Piboso i uploaded an FBX ASCII export of the scene, hope it helps. The one i posted above is not FBX its just ASCII

Bikes / Ducati_1098sbk sound
April 20, 2015, 02:40:19 PM


Sound i made for the 1098sbk, not the best in the planet, but is smooth at least. Not bad for a 3 wave files: Idle, on, off.
After too many hours searching, editing and discarding sounds from any youtube videos i could found, almost gave up.
So just for curiosity i looked in the duc bikes folders and found a sample that was better than i thought, so i decided to give it a try.
Hope the creator don't mind I used one of the 999duc  samples (with some tunning and editing) for this.

Hope you like it

Thanks also to Max, for his  MaxSCL tool was very easy to make the scl file. But i must say that for some reason i couldn't reproduce the sound
and play with the throttle thing in it. Every time i try, the editor crashed. Didn't with other attemps of sounds, but it seems doesn't like ducatis  ;D
Thanks anyway.
Bikes / Dyno runs needed :P
April 14, 2015, 05:41:28 AM
This is the kind of dyno tests we need to capture sounds.
Running with load at diferent rpms. Been trying with this one, but the quality of the sound isn't good enough , damn fan makes a lot of noise , imposible to clean it in a sound editor.
With Max tool is easy to make them if we had good samples .......... shame we haven't a dynorun owner in the forum  :-\

Racing / If you start a race FINISH it
March 28, 2014, 10:41:51 PM
Just started a race with 5 guys, in lap 2 i was alone !!!  >:(

Its just fu***ng annoying. You guys only keep in race if you are in first position or what ??  ..... for your information, only one can win.
If you are not going to finish the race , don't start , don't make a poll , don't vote.

Bikes / Suzuki GSVR sound
February 09, 2014, 12:32:09 AM
Suzuki GSVR sound by:

    -----------   WarStout Kawasaki Team   -----------

First, i would like Juju to test the sound to add it officially to his wonderfull bike. But he is on vacation for a while. So this sound will be optional untill he can check it and give permission to include it in the BikeMod.

Second i want to say BIG thanks to HornetMax for his invaluable help to understand how engine.scl works

And third,  Enjoy !! , hope you like it, i did my best. I would like it to be much better , but i can't for now. In my opinion is pretty good, given  the sample of an 2T RC plane engine :P.
I've been doubting about including backfires, fut finally i got rid of them, because we don't have control of them at all with actual sound engine.
All sounds depends of RPMs, so if i include a backfire it will sound every time you reach certain RPMs, even when you are ON throttle,.... not good , annoying and unrealistic.



2 ways:

1.- Keeping the original sound just in case you dont like this one:

     -Drop in the bike folder the following files:


     -Search in the bike folder for sfx.cfg file, open it with notepad. First line is:
        "scl = engine.scl"   
         change it to : "scl = engine_gsvr.scl"
         Save and exit, done.
         To get back to the original sound revert this last step and delete the above .wav files

2.- Without keeping the original sound:
     -remove all .wav  from bike folder, all named : "sb2_".....
     -remove engine.scl
     -Drop in the bike folder the following files:


     -Search in the bike folder for sfx.cfg file, open it with notepad. First line is:
        "scl = engine.scl"   
         change it to : "scl = engine_gsvr.scl"
         Save and exit, done.
Bug Reports / Crash after race finish
January 13, 2014, 10:45:47 AM
I also noticed that when a race finish and after a few minutes the server 'kicks' you to bike selection, if i click 'back' to see servers list i get a core crash, it happens always.
Bikes / Engine SCL (sound editing)
January 02, 2014, 05:17:23 AM
Piboso, can you explain a bit these parameters in engine.scl?
-Value (in each point)

Bikes / Adding backfire sound
December 29, 2013, 04:04:24 AM
Hi Piboso, how can i add fire explosions to bike sound?  ???