I used crap I had laying around.... still unsure how I got it all to work together, but, I figured out how to make a smart phone with a gyro (Samsung Galaxy S3) transmit motion to the program "facetracknoir". Using a freepie program on the phone, facetracknoir on the phone and PC linked through port 5556, and TrinusVR with USB tethering enabled. Connected to the PC client Trinus VR, I got the output on facetracknoir to be "freetrack" and when setup properly with the "freelook" in the GP Bikes, WRS, MXB, options menu it functions with fantastic results! Confusing as that sounds to you, it is twice as confusing to me. lol
I feel like a caveman when I try to make programs, hardware, etc. function correctly as I have to learn from scratch every last detail it involves to bring this from just an idea to fully functioning. After 2 weeks of struggling, walking away, coming back to it, playing with every little setting and reading every last bit of info I could, it works, it finally works!!
The video is not running at the FPS that game-play usually does, it's a bit slow (capped at 30fps, with half size video compression) but it gives a fantastic idea of how well it works overall. I am truly impressed, and it gives an amazing sensation of speed and immersion compared to a fixed view.
Programs used on PC:
Programs used on Galaxy S3:
HeadTrack (not sure if it has an effect, but I turn it on anyway because it also transmits the gyro signal)
All programs are free, just gotta find all the instructions to make them work together, and with the phone. I may make a tutorial on this if I can figure out exactly what makes this function as it is cheap and easy to get some good old free look without having to move a mouse around. Used S3's are super cheap on ebay, and from what I understand, loading programs into it via USB or wifi requires nothing more than having the phone turned on.
I feel like a caveman when I try to make programs, hardware, etc. function correctly as I have to learn from scratch every last detail it involves to bring this from just an idea to fully functioning. After 2 weeks of struggling, walking away, coming back to it, playing with every little setting and reading every last bit of info I could, it works, it finally works!!

The video is not running at the FPS that game-play usually does, it's a bit slow (capped at 30fps, with half size video compression) but it gives a fantastic idea of how well it works overall. I am truly impressed, and it gives an amazing sensation of speed and immersion compared to a fixed view.
Programs used on PC:
Programs used on Galaxy S3:
HeadTrack (not sure if it has an effect, but I turn it on anyway because it also transmits the gyro signal)
All programs are free, just gotta find all the instructions to make them work together, and with the phone. I may make a tutorial on this if I can figure out exactly what makes this function as it is cheap and easy to get some good old free look without having to move a mouse around. Used S3's are super cheap on ebay, and from what I understand, loading programs into it via USB or wifi requires nothing more than having the phone turned on.