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Messages - Tom HWK

Plugins / Re: MaxHUD plugin
December 19, 2021, 05:21:04 PM
Its not working for me for some reason, game loads but no hud.
I'm using the steam version if that makes any difference
Plugins / Re: MaxHUD plugin
August 22, 2021, 06:02:10 PM
If it is so simple and easy to do why have you not coded it yourself?
Plugins / Re: MaxHUD plugin
August 22, 2021, 04:19:04 PM
Quote from: HornetMaX on August 22, 2021, 02:40:17 PM
Quote from: Tom HWK on August 20, 2021, 05:07:10 PMWhilst we are on about shite ideas, would it be possible to add a light that you can enable in MaxHUD for tyres overheating? since there is a tyre temp sensor. Either be able to set the temp the light comes on yourself or any way of it pulling straight from the tyre values? Just wondering as its something MotoGP bikes have and its easier to tell when you are burning your tyres up than trying to read the numbers at race pace.
You mean a light on the bike dashboard ? That woul dbe for bike modders (I'm not not sure if it is doable).

In MaxHUD you have the tyre temps (front/rear x left/middle/right) in the ECU widget.

I was more on about a light that could light up when the tyre temp is above the tyre max temp that is just in maxhud, like the tc and aw lights, as the dash would be a piboso thing wouldn't it?
Plugins / Re: MaxHUD plugin
August 20, 2021, 05:07:10 PM
Whilst we are on about shite ideas, would it be possible to add a light that you can enable in MaxHUD for tyres overheating? since there is a tyre temp sensor. Either be able to set the temp the light comes on yourself or any way of it pulling straight from the tyre values? Just wondering as its something MotoGP bikes have and its easier to tell when you are burning your tyres up than trying to read the numbers at race pace.
single threaded performance is not optimized and there is no multi thread use so both would be a massive improvement, the fact that gpbikes and a AAA game run about as fast as each other on my pc is a problem, both 144hz, no vysnc, 1080p, motogp 20 on highest and gpbikes basically run nearly the same. thing is my pc is being pushed on motogp 20 but my pc doesn't break a sweat on gpbikes. and there is a massive graphical difference between the 2. and i've had my fps drop into the 50s at times on gpbikes.
i7-6800k, 32GB RAM, GTX 1080
Quote from: Vini on June 27, 2020, 11:07:50 AMAre you sure that bottleneck is coming from the CPU? I have an i5-2500K (default clock) and none of the 4 cores ever goes beyond 50% usage.
Having the game stick to a single core is quite handy when recording.

the fact a 9 year old cpu is only having 50% usage is the problem. also recording should be handled by the gpu.
General Discussion / Re: GP Bikes beta18c
June 29, 2020, 07:55:40 PM
since beta 18 the bikes i'm doing have a horrible head shake problem as they come to near vertical on throttle out of corners, i've managed to get near to getting rid of it but it still happens. i'm starting to think from the way it rides that it almost seems like the bike drags the front around corners, then as it straightens and the wheels come back into line that's what causes the bike upset.. i have been riding at valencia for most of it so its pretty flat.

edit: it has something to do with the front lifting as you accelerate, you can ride around it by not letting the front get light out of corners but its pretty hard on a high powered bike.
Support / Re: Asymmetric tyre definition
June 29, 2020, 07:46:55 PM
for asymmetrics if i'm doing a medium left, soft right i copy the compound values from my soft tyres as compound0 and copy the compound values from my mediums as compound1.

name = Soft

OptTemperature = 100
BelowTempFactor = 1.0
AboveTempFactor = 1.0
HeatingFactorLong = 0.0007
HeatingFactorLat = 0.0007
HeatingFactorRoll = 0.007

WearRate = 0.00025

NumKeys = 2
Key0 = 0.9, 0.980000
Key1 = 1, 0.800000

dry_grip = 0.99
wet_grip = 0.7
resistance_dry = 1
resistance_wet = 3
dry_grip = 0.98
wet_grip = 0.7
resistance_dry = 1
resistance_wet = 3
dry_grip = 0.97
wet_grip = 0.7
resistance_dry = 1
resistance_wet = 3
dry_grip = 0.99
wet_grip = 0.7
resistance_dry = 1
resistance_wet = 3
dry_grip = 0.5
wet_grip = 0.3
resistance_dry = 0.5
resistance_wet = 0.8
artificial turf
dry_grip = 0.6
wet_grip = 0.4
resistance_dry = 0.5
resistance_wet = 0.8
dry_grip = 0.3
wet_grip = 0.2
resistance_dry = 20
resistance_wet = 30
dry_grip = 0.99
wet_grip = 0.7
resistance_dry = 1
resistance_wet = 3
dry_grip = 0.55
wet_grip = 0.25
resistance_dry = 3
resistance_wet = 5
dry_grip = 0.99
wet_grip = 0.7
resistance_dry = 1
resistance_wet = 3

name = Medium

OptTemperature = 110
BelowTempFactor = 1.0
AboveTempFactor = 1.0
HeatingFactorLong = 0.0007
HeatingFactorLat = 0.0007
HeatingFactorRoll = 0.007

WearRate = 0.000225

NumKeys = 2
Key0 = 0.9, 0.980000
Key1 = 1, 0.800000

dry_grip = 0.98
wet_grip = 0.7
resistance_dry = 1
resistance_wet = 3
dry_grip = 0.97
wet_grip = 0.7
resistance_dry = 1
resistance_wet = 3
dry_grip = 0.96
wet_grip = 0.7
resistance_dry = 1
resistance_wet = 3
dry_grip = 0.98
wet_grip = 0.7
resistance_dry = 1
resistance_wet = 3
dry_grip = 0.5
wet_grip = 0.3
resistance_dry = 0.5
resistance_wet = 0.8
artificial turf
dry_grip = 0.6
wet_grip = 0.4
resistance_dry = 0.5
resistance_wet = 0.8
dry_grip = 0.3
wet_grip = 0.2
resistance_dry = 20
resistance_wet = 30
dry_grip = 0.98
wet_grip = 0.7
resistance_dry = 1
resistance_wet = 3
dry_grip = 0.55
wet_grip = 0.25
resistance_dry = 3
resistance_wet = 5
dry_grip = 0.98
wet_grip = 0.7
resistance_dry = 1
resistance_wet = 3

this is the tyre sections, left > centre > right
compound0 = Medium
compound1 = Soft
compound2 = Soft
if you wanted to make the right medium then you'd copy the whole tyre file and just change the compounds to
compound0 = Soft
compound1 = Soft
compound2 = Medium

if you wanted to have a tyre that was hard left, medium centre and soft right you would copy you hard values into compound2.
name = Hard

OptTemperature = 120
BelowTempFactor = 1.0
AboveTempFactor = 1.0
HeatingFactorLong = 0.0007
HeatingFactorLat = 0.0007
HeatingFactorRoll = 0.007

WearRate = 0.000225

NumKeys = 2
Key0 = 0.9, 0.980000
Key1 = 1, 0.800000

dry_grip = 0.97
wet_grip = 0.7
resistance_dry = 1
resistance_wet = 3
dry_grip = 0.96
wet_grip = 0.7
resistance_dry = 1
resistance_wet = 3
dry_grip = 0.95
wet_grip = 0.7
resistance_dry = 1
resistance_wet = 3
dry_grip = 0.97
wet_grip = 0.7
resistance_dry = 1
resistance_wet = 3
dry_grip = 0.5
wet_grip = 0.3
resistance_dry = 0.5
resistance_wet = 0.8
artificial turf
dry_grip = 0.6
wet_grip = 0.4
resistance_dry = 0.5
resistance_wet = 0.8
dry_grip = 0.3
wet_grip = 0.2
resistance_dry = 20
resistance_wet = 30
dry_grip = 0.97
wet_grip = 0.7
resistance_dry = 1
resistance_wet = 3
dry_grip = 0.55
wet_grip = 0.25
resistance_dry = 3
resistance_wet = 5
dry_grip = 0.97
wet_grip = 0.7
resistance_dry = 1
resistance_wet = 3

the compounds would be this.
compound0 = Hard
compound1 = Medium
compound2 = Soft
Quote from: Vini on June 16, 2020, 11:33:10 PMWatch my latest YouTube vids and tell me that it looks less realistic than Milestone crap.

It looks less realistic.
Gpbikes can be more realistic than motogp, you just have to make the mod well.
Quote from: Vini on June 16, 2020, 11:18:00 PMGo play MotoGP20, Tom.

Certainly more realistic than backwards entries on a motogp bike and smashing 100% throttle at 60 degrees lean on the apex.
Quote from: Myst1cPrun3 on October 13, 2019, 02:14:56 PM
Quote from: Tom HWK on October 13, 2019, 12:40:13 PM+1 It is without a doubt the most important thing you could add, especially considering the virtual rider isn't great.

Also in terms of adjustability I believe being able to set your own on board camera positions would be a great addition too.

On board in replays or in game?
As in replays you can in the camera cfg

on board as in on the bike in 1st person, every mod bike is different and none of them feel natural to me, i spend ages moving the position on car games to get comfortable. wish there was a helmet cam in replays like mx bikes...
+1 It is without a doubt the most important thing you could add, especially considering the virtual rider isn't great.

Also in terms of adjustability I believe being able to set your own on board camera positions would be a great addition too.
Suggestions and wishlist / static/race sag
September 25, 2019, 05:41:29 PM
is there any intention of adding the visual sag screen from mx bikes? might be useful, might not, just don't see why its in one game and not the other considering its a basic guide relative to bike simulation...