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Messages - 3dstuff

General Discussion / Re: Why gpbikes needs AI !
July 13, 2023, 10:49:20 AM
There is a simple way to make a very good step for this game using trainers to make races, if Ai wont come out.
At the moment trainers are recorded for one lap only, if Mr Piboso let trainers been recorded more than one lap, for more laps until the player is "in track", using a checkbox somewhere, we can record trainers for example for 5-10 laps and then at least make races against this recoded trainers.
At the moment the trainer is a little boring because ok it help let you make your best laps, but it reset every lap if you don't do the best the time, you can't race against it.
What is needed is only:
- a checkbox in the trainer tab, that says "record one lap only" YES/NOT.
- in case checkbox yes: all remain as is now
- in case not: the trainer wont reset every lap but is recorded for the entire "in track" session, i think is not so difficult to make it.

My 2 cents
General Discussion / Licence already in use
June 09, 2023, 06:34:40 PM
Hello Piboso, happen frequently that when i enter a server and for some reason the game crash during syncing, or i cant join a race for connection errors etc. when i retry, i get instead of SYNCING, "Licence already in use" message, for what i see is a dedicated server disconnection problem, it not recognize my game crash or my joining net problem, and for some reason my user remain active in the server i cannot rejoin until i don't know, some time i hope.
How to avoid, is a server problem?
I want add that sometime i retry and it work, i can join same race, happens randomly or for unknown reasons.
Bug Reports / Re: Bike Reset bug beta 9b
October 06, 2016, 07:06:36 AM
Thank you Stout, yes i am not a Biker and i drive a real bike(Suzuki 650cc) one time only in my life(dangerous for me), for the controller i will try different mappings, anyway make 1.42.1 on Misano GP after hours of try, rally hard to drive polished.. :)
Quote from: Stout Johnson on October 06, 2016, 06:48:50 AM
Quote from: 3dstuff on October 06, 2016, 06:15:55 AM
i mapped accelleration rotating it backward like real bikes and brake rotating it forward, after this i remain really slow on track :'(...
If you have it on one input and have to go in your case from backward (throttle) to forward (brake) there will always be some delay, which is not good. Maybe you can find a different way to map your inputs. Concerning being slow on track - if you are new to GPB and even more if you are new to motorcycle riding in general, there is a steep learning curve. So don't be frustrated if you are slow in the beginning - you will get better ;) it helps if you ride a motorcycle in real life, because then you know what is important.

Quote from: 3dstuff on October 06, 2016, 06:15:55 AM
One question off topic: there are offline races? or only online?,  i don't see any server in my "world" server list..
I think you have to register your profile somewhere in order to be eligible to race online. After registering, it should work I think. It has been ages since I had to do that, so I cannot really remember. Try to find the answer with the search function in this forum, or maybe someone else with a better memory can help?
Bug Reports / Re: Bike Reset bug beta 9b
October 06, 2016, 06:15:55 AM
Thanks all for the responses, and sorry if i post a non-bug  :) and sorry for my English, i am new in GPB, i noticed this change but for me it's ok like this, also if programmed as "normal track situation", very happy that GPB have this responsive commnunity, thanks Piboso, i drive with a microsoft sidewinder Freestyle Pro old gyro joypad and i have to tell that is fantastic to ride with this old device, because you rotate the whole joypad in the air for turn and accellerate etc..the axis are x-1/x+1 and y-1/y+1, i mapped accelleration rotating it backward like real bikes and brake rotating it forward, after this i remain really slow on track :'(...


One question off topic: there are offline races? or only online?,  i don't see any server in my "world" server list..
Bug Reports / Bike Reset bug beta 9b
October 05, 2016, 05:01:17 PM
The reset "r" key did not function without a crash, it function only if the rider/bike is on the terrain crashed, if the bike is stopped without crash the "r" key won't reset the bike.
Also i noticed that in case of crash, the reset button put the moto outside the track in place and orientation of the last position of the crash.

in the beta8 i did not noticed this bugs, the bike always reset if the motor is off, also the orientation and position after crash and reset are ok

Hope it helps