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Messages - Gurchur

Plugins / Re: Trying to understand how plugin works
August 22, 2018, 08:21:15 PM
Many thanks!! Yes, I believe has to be something similar. I will investigate as I believe can be related with the int size for Windows 64 bits that is 4 bytes not 2 bytes. I will feedback you with the resulta.  :)

Plugins / Re: Trying to understand how plugin works
August 15, 2018, 06:14:52 PM
Hi Guys!!

I found some time and I finally developed the Code to interface with GPBikes. Thanks to all you its working great but I have some questions and doubts that maybe you have the answer:

1: Pitch-Yaw-Roll angles: they seems to be changed as Pitch is giving me the suposed Roll angle (lean) and the Yaw is giving me the Picth.  Also the Roll is giving me back huge angles (similar yo the Picth data), do you know why could be?
2: the speed: I tried to take the bike speed from Xvelocity and YVelocity but do not macth the one the game is marking. Then I used the FWheelSpeed and the speed seems to be similar but 10% lower, strange.
3: Gear: the m_iGear integer gives me a number that its changing all the time, no matter the Gear used (10950188675 and similar)
4: Steer: this variable changes from 0 to 1 and some times It's value is between (0,1) do It relates with the Steer forces or position?
5: Steer Torque: its always giving 1,4238. This should be moving?

Thats all!!! Many thanks for your help!!! In 1 month I Will start with the hardware, I am really exited about It!!

Many thanks!!

Plugins / Re: Trying to understand how plugin works
July 13, 2018, 04:02:40 PM
I am trying to create the proxi dll but  "direct.h"  file is missing, do you know from where I can get it?

Many thanks!!
Plugins / Re: Trying to understand how plugin works
July 13, 2018, 11:47:11 AM
Many thanks!!! for your answers.

I will use the proxy example as I did not know that in the other way was internal. I will try this afternoon checking the handle to the memory area. I will feedback you very soon.

Again +1000!!  ;D ;D
Plugins / Re: Trying to understand how plugin works
July 13, 2018, 06:50:25 AM
Many thanks Speedfr, I hope they (the master programmers  8) 8))  read the post and guide me a little  ;D

Plugins / Trying to understand how plugin works
July 12, 2018, 07:03:37 PM
Hi everyone!! I am new in the forum and a new user of GPB.

I am doing a simulator of 3 axis but before knowing that GPB exists I only has in mind to create the analog signals from the encoders and sensors and make a bypass thow a joystick to control MotoGP. Now that I played GPB, the new potencial is huge and I woul like to get the data from the simulator to a program to control the motors.

The problem is that I do not understand well how comunicate with the .dll I created using the GPB_example.c

This is what I have done for the moment:

    1) I just created the .dll using labview CVI (is very similar to visual studio) using the GPB_example.c and creating a new .h with all the function names (but removing the "_declspec(dllexport)" .With both files I could create the .dll, copy it in the PlugIn folder of GPB and renamed as .DLO.
       When I go to the track the game suddenlly exit then I expect I am missing something (or all!! :).

       Regarding the custom program I need to do to get the data,  do I just make calls to the functions of the .dll or how I do that??, I really do not understand it, if anyone has any example of a program communicating continueslly with the GPB in .C and getting for example the spped of the bike would be a huge help and I believe I could start.

Many thanks for your help!!!