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December 08, 2024, 07:16:35 PM


World Racing Series beta14 available! :)

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Messages - h106frp

GPB does not support deformable terrain, only a fixed mesh geometry with named surfaces to provide different friction coeffs and the geometry has the textures applied directly in the 3d model.
It would be interesting if PB could add deformable terrain for grass and sandtraps though.

Custom hardware / Re: More Motion Motivation
January 17, 2022, 07:08:16 PM
'petrolscooter' on ebay are good for cheap chinese electric scooter motors and asscociated parts, based in Coventry UK
Since b20 the joystick configuration and calibrations have not saved between sessions.

If I manually copy an old calib file from b19 into b20 (documents folder) then it works but does not update any changes.

Has the method for storing controller data changed for b20?
General Discussion / Re: How do we install mods now???
December 24, 2021, 01:00:29 PM
Have you tried installing the stand alone and trying your keys with that?
General Discussion / Re: GP Bikes beta20
December 21, 2021, 08:44:38 AM
Somewhere I saw a comment that you have to remove the dashes in the key, worth a try though not tried to convert myself
Could the texture swap out function (test/race) be expanded to include new keys for seasons (summer/autumn/winter)? It might make it easy to get some variation in track appearance without creating a whole new track version.
Suggestions and wishlist / Add hard landing sounds
December 03, 2021, 10:51:14 AM
When landing a hard wheelie or jump could a sound be added i.e. the 'clumpf' sound of all the plastics/soft mount points flexing, possibly a bit of tyre squeal as they suddenly accelerate/deccelerate to match ground speed?

Bug Reports / A couple of wet weather issues
November 23, 2021, 11:28:25 PM
Default bike at 100% wet Victoria and noticed;
No water wake/spray in pitlane area.
No water wake/spray from trainer(ghost) bike.
We currently have shaders ON/OFF as a graphics option. Would it be possible to change this to a slider that shifts the base MIPMAP used.

i.e. max = full shader map, step 1 reduces this to MIPMAP level 1 (reduced by ^2) or 1/4 size etc.

This would allow tracks to be be built with a bit of future proofing of higher shader maps sizes but allow lower spec graphics hardware to improve framerate but still have some shading.

Thank you
Support / Cubic reflections and weather
September 04, 2021, 06:12:20 PM
In the latest track tools we can grab a cube map which I assume is intended to support pre mapped reflections which is a great tool.

Is it possible to create different maps for the 3 different weather conditions as it would look odd if its heavy rain in game but the reflections are for a sunny blue sky?

Thank you.
Apparently its due to a bug that been awaiting resolution for a while.....

Its not just that its too grippy, the VR takes over the lean and makes it almost impossible to fall..... until you rejoin the track surface where the VR instantly releases control and causes too much lean input and often a crash
CAWS Mod Team / Re: How to make 3d animated flags
May 07, 2021, 07:20:38 PM
Always a chance of a few easter eggs to find but mainly intending this sort of thing.....

One nice feature is that all animations are controlled by a file in the local track folder so they can easily be removed if that is you prefrence by just changing the file name.
CAWS Mod Team / Re: How to make 3d animated flags
May 06, 2021, 10:10:18 PM
With a little lateral thinking all sorts of strange things are possible
CAWS Mod Team / How to make 3d animated flags
May 06, 2021, 12:41:20 AM
Just my blender test project and all the supporting files if anyone fancies giving it a try, made a decent(crappy really) animation loop for 15mph wind other speeds are just proof of concept in the file, just add more keyframes to improve animation - they should loop from start to start position to look seamless.


readme has a brief outline of how it all works and should be familiar to anyone who has used 3d animated track flags and the shapekey animation for bike parts. The dummy axis parent is the fixed origin for the deformation of all child mesh objects and is also the swivel point for wind tracking.