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February 17, 2025, 04:44:34 AM


GP Bikes beta21c available! :)

Rear brake adjustment in garage

Started by ViPower, July 10, 2021, 10:46:04 PM

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To prevent myself from locking my rear tyre while braking, I usually use the screw to turn the lever down.
Consequently I can't bring that much force by my foot.
In gp bikes I usually reduce max gain on rear brake. But sadly I always have to adjust manually in settings and I'm not able to save my rear brake settings in the garage for dry / wet / etc.

I'd like to see s.th. like an max gain adjustmet for the rear brake in the garage to save it with my setup.
Schrabbelst du mit dem Helm in der Kurve, liegste richtig.
Schrabbelst du mit dem Helm in der Kurve, liegste. Richtig!



There is often an option to change disc size and master cylinder size on the rear, but it's often not used mod wise


I use that too, when needed, but a slider for max rear brake pressure from zero to max would be just ideal.


well its supposed to be on an axis like front brake or steer so it wouldnt be a good plan. needs rebinding really