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February 17, 2025, 05:19:36 AM


GP Bikes beta21c available! :)


Started by PiBoSo, May 26, 2015, 12:00:56 PM

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To create a poll to (re)start a session, open the chat and type:
!poll start practice
!poll start qualify
!poll start warmup
!poll start race

The poll starter' vote is set to yes, all the others are no. To change the vote, type !yes or !no in the chat. If you are on track, you can press F2 to vote yes, and F4 to vote no.
A poll must get at least 2/3 of "yes" votes to pass.

To ban a driver, type "!poll eject" followed by driver's name of #race number. For example:
!poll eject adam
!poll eject #7

To disqualify a driver during a race, type "!poll black" followed by driver's name of #race number.

a new poll cannot be created within a minute from the last one.
"La perfezione non è il nostro obiettivo, è la nostra tendenza".