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What are the exact meanings of the core.ini file [HACKS] section?

Started by iNsane, May 13, 2024, 05:58:37 PM

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Long time no see!
As the title says, have there been some smart people around that tried to figure out what exactly the available options in the core.ini [HACKS] section are?

ColorMipMaps = 0
NoPBuffer = 0
NoRenderToTexture = 1
NoPBO = 0
NoFBO = 0
NoHDR = 1
MapVB = 0

I did try some stuff, as in ColorMipMaps doing some wonky stuff to the diffuse texxtures. NoHDR sounds like disabling HDR when set to 1. PBO could be OpenGL's Pixel-Buffer-Object after googling for PBO and FBO being Frame-Buffer-Object.
But what exactly do these options do? Such as MapVB?
One combination also made my shadows go all crazy, lol.

But what exactly will NoRenderToTexture = 1 do?

I mean I could also figure it out on my own and write it down, but maybe someone else did it already? I couldn't find anything on the forum so sorry if this is a duplicate post.

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Thanks for the bump, Gui!
However, together with yoda100 on the GPB Discord I came to the conclusion that they're redundant anyways, as he states this:
Quotetheres an old wrs post made by piboso that explains those core.ini entries.... .there all pretty much redundant now...there were designed for old cards/there essentially legacy tweaks for VERY old cards

my final core.ini setting is now this:
ColorMipMaps = 0
NoPBuffer = 0
NoRenderToTexture = 0
NoPBO = 1
NoFBO = 0
MapVB = 0

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