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LIVE Streaming

Started by doubledragoncc, May 11, 2016, 09:42:06 AM

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Napalm Nick

May 12, 2016, 08:43:10 AM #30 Last Edit: May 12, 2016, 08:48:28 AM by Napalm Nick
Oh another thought DD.

I don't think we mind the 2 minute wait at all. In fact for the first start I think I actually prefer waiting the 2 minutes. It only gets tedious when there are restarts (WELL DONE! NO JUMP STARTS AT ALL LAST NIGHT!!!  :o 8)) .

If you like you could overcome this by 'going to track' with the rest of us then just retire when you are ready after race start. No biggie but its an option if it worries you.  The second best Race director in the GPB Owners Club also does this sometimes for our benefit ( I bet no-one knew that did they - its cos he is great!). 

Anyway don't forget to come racing with us yourself don't see why you should miss out on all this racing misery fun. ;)
"The post you are writing has been written at least ten times already in the last 15ish years. Its already been reported, suggested, discussed, ignored or archived (but mostly ignored). Why are you doing it again?"


May 12, 2016, 09:21:18 AM #31 Last Edit: May 12, 2016, 09:29:33 AM by doubledragoncc
Thanks for the input and tips Nick.

I really have fun doing this actually so I dont miss out at all. I wish I could host the races too? (Future Happening)

I am busy getting the system for the ISR show finished and have to build mine too or I wont have one when I ship it!!!!

I have CDX coming over Sunday to watch the race with me so not racing this weekend. I will try and figure it all out.

In reality I nee to get an Elgato HD60 for the laptop to do this and it is on my shopping list.

I also need to test a licensed X-Split as soon as I can get $9 on my paypal lol.

It can only get better thank god lol


EDIT: The mouse can only be used in free view and that is not really perfect. we need to have the free view so you have not so restricted movement. It is not an easy one to use in many ways right now.
GPBOC Live Streams: https://www.youtube.com/c/IASystemsComputerControls; i7 12700K 5.1GHz Z690 ASUS Strix Z690-A Mobo 32GB 3600MHz DDR4 RAM ASUS Strix RTX3080 OC 10GB DDR6X ASUS Ryujin 360 AOI Cooler ROG Thor 1200w PSU in ROG Helios Tower Case.


I am so behind on my bike reviews, I might see if I can get the quality up so I can do some live bike reviews too, just for fun lol.

Maybe I need to drink Jacky and not cheap beer while streaming, I get funny(nice funny) on Jacky lol.

This is DD von Frankenstein signing off

GPBOC Live Streams: https://www.youtube.com/c/IASystemsComputerControls; i7 12700K 5.1GHz Z690 ASUS Strix Z690-A Mobo 32GB 3600MHz DDR4 RAM ASUS Strix RTX3080 OC 10GB DDR6X ASUS Ryujin 360 AOI Cooler ROG Thor 1200w PSU in ROG Helios Tower Case.



Do you have a clue how much bandwidth kbs GPB needs? I am running GPB in 1080p windowed/full screen.

I need to know as I need 2500kbs at least for streaming 720p. I tried lower resolutions but X-Split has a recognition system that wont allow certain resolutions to be used. I know people say they dont need it, but YES we do, in fact we need 1080p to promote GPB. Besides I dont like low quality shit, it really gets on my tits!!! It is 2016 NOT 1985!!! I think it is time for better graphics lol.

GPBOC Live Streams: https://www.youtube.com/c/IASystemsComputerControls; i7 12700K 5.1GHz Z690 ASUS Strix Z690-A Mobo 32GB 3600MHz DDR4 RAM ASUS Strix RTX3080 OC 10GB DDR6X ASUS Ryujin 360 AOI Cooler ROG Thor 1200w PSU in ROG Helios Tower Case.


Quote from: Napalm Nick on May 12, 2016, 08:23:49 AM
Fugly mouse pointers: The benefit would outweigh the fugly pointer (which you still see now because of the camera/rider/view selection problems anyway) by approx. 1000:1 I reckon.
But if we assume the current problem will be solved (one day) then there's nofugly pointer right now, as you only need keyboard shortcuts to switch cam/rider.
That's why I was (and still am) confused by Piboso's new feature (allow plugins to change the cam).

Example (can't check current GPB shortcuts right now, throwing a random example here):

CTRL+ 1 / 2 / 3 ==> select camera sets 1 / 2 / 3 (camera set = trackview or spectator, for example).
CTRL + + / - ==> next/prev camera set

CTRL+SHIFT + 1 / 2 / 3 ==> track rider in position 1 / 2 / 3  (this is missing in GPB, if I recall correctly)
CTRL+SHIFT + + / - ==> track next/prev rider (in terms of race position)

CTRL+ALT+SHIFT + 1 / 2 / 3 ==> track rider 1 / 2 / 3 (in the list of riders, likely by racenum)
CTRL+ALT+SHIFT + + / - ==> track next/prev rider

And if you're really in a Kubrick mood, you could manually switch across cameras instead of using pre-defined camera sets (but to be honest, I see little value in this):

ALT + 1 / 2 / 3 ==> select camera 1 / 2 / 3 (these are "fixed" cameras, not camera sets).
ALT + + / - ==> next/prev camera

Zero need for mouse pointers (as far as you can see the map with the dots/numbers for the riders).


Quote from: doubledragoncc on May 12, 2016, 11:31:44 AM

Do you have a clue how much bandwidth kbs GPB needs? I am running GPB in 1080p windowed/full screen.

I need to know as I need 2500kbs at least for streaming 720p. I tried lower resolutions but X-Split has a recognition system that wont allow certain resolutions to be used. I know people say they dont need it, but YES we do, in fact we need 1080p to promote GPB. Besides I dont like low quality shit, it really gets on my tits!!! It is 2016 NOT 1985!!! I think it is time for better graphics lol.


Looks to be high 4-5MBs for broadcast 1080p+audio according to this

With a 3Mb UK standard upload package you are probably already BW limited at 720p

How does GPB control framerate on a stream? I guess this would be the issue in maintaining sync.


Quote from: h106frp on May 12, 2016, 12:10:11 PM
How does GPB control framerate on a stream? I guess this would be the issue in maintaining sync.
It doesn't. It's the recording/streaming software/hardware that controls the framerate of the resulting video stream/recording.
GPB can only control (cap) his own framerate.


Looking at the standars;
1080p 24 fps, 1080p 50 fps, and 1080p 60 fps

It seems broadcast is 24 with plans to go to 50, so the lower bandwidth figure in the link are probably for 1080p and 24fps


The streaming software, in my case X-Split free is what controls the quality of the stream by its settings and codecs used. I am at present limited but will sort it out asap. Also I can test my bandwidth in the software and it will tell me it is fine for streaming 720p, BUT, when I then start GPB online, even though I am in fact not riding and really only using my download bandwidth to be online with you all my system is still using upload bandwidth, I just cant say how much yet. I am sure there is a way to see what program is using what amount of bandwidth, I just have not looked yet.

I have 50MB download but only 3MB upload, so I have the 2500kbs I need for 720p but for some reason, and it is either X-Split or YouTube or both, the actual quality is lower than 720p and I drop frames. I ran some tests and no way can I put it below 720p in X-Split as it turns it to total mush and looks like a film from 1916!!!

Give me time guys I have only been doing it a week lol.

GPBOC Live Streams: https://www.youtube.com/c/IASystemsComputerControls; i7 12700K 5.1GHz Z690 ASUS Strix Z690-A Mobo 32GB 3600MHz DDR4 RAM ASUS Strix RTX3080 OC 10GB DDR6X ASUS Ryujin 360 AOI Cooler ROG Thor 1200w PSU in ROG Helios Tower Case.


Man am I one pissed off mofo!!!

Just checked with Virgin and they restrict your usage even on UNLIMITED use packages, this means if I upload 1GB of data in a certain time they will reduce my upload speed for 1 hour by up to 63%!!!!!!!

Man I am about to make a fucking phone call and rip someone a new asshole as I found nothing about it in my contract.

DD= MegaPissedOff GonnaBiteYour BallsackOff dude

Thats better Woosaa............................. Woosaa....................................
GPBOC Live Streams: https://www.youtube.com/c/IASystemsComputerControls; i7 12700K 5.1GHz Z690 ASUS Strix Z690-A Mobo 32GB 3600MHz DDR4 RAM ASUS Strix RTX3080 OC 10GB DDR6X ASUS Ryujin 360 AOI Cooler ROG Thor 1200w PSU in ROG Helios Tower Case.


Remembered having the bandwidth discussion before  :)


Upload speed:
Code: [Select]

Players         used by game (peak)       recommended for beeing 100% safe      
10 player       -   1,0 MBit/s      -     1,5 MBit/s
16 players   -   2,0 MBit/s    -     3,0 MBit/s   
20 players   -   3,0 MBit/s    -     5,0 MBit/s

Download (peak): 30%-50% of upload.

Napalm Nick

May 12, 2016, 01:06:48 PM #41 Last Edit: May 12, 2016, 01:11:14 PM by Napalm Nick
Nice one H.

Max - having the map and bike positions would actually be nice for the viewers to see as well I reckon?
Yes if the camera controls were working OK and the ones you talk about are included then no mouse cursor/button clicking would probably be needed.

Oh and DD yes I know about those limits but don't think any other provider is any better. In fact cable is probably the sturdiest for stability. Ask if they will up the upload limit because of what you are doing. They can be quite accommodating if approached without the big booted Esther Rancid approach.
"The post you are writing has been written at least ten times already in the last 15ish years. Its already been reported, suggested, discussed, ignored or archived (but mostly ignored). Why are you doing it again?"


LOL Nick

I can be very diplomatic and am actually going to ask them nicely lol.

Good to know, thanks H

GPBOC Live Streams: https://www.youtube.com/c/IASystemsComputerControls; i7 12700K 5.1GHz Z690 ASUS Strix Z690-A Mobo 32GB 3600MHz DDR4 RAM ASUS Strix RTX3080 OC 10GB DDR6X ASUS Ryujin 360 AOI Cooler ROG Thor 1200w PSU in ROG Helios Tower Case.


Quote from: Napalm Nick on May 12, 2016, 01:06:48 PM
Max - having the map and bike positions would actually be nice for the viewers to see as well I reckon?
I'm not sure. If the map is there all the time it could become boring, even on TV it's not there all the time.
Most important, if I show 20 dots on it (and numbers) it may quickly become a mess.
Anyway, I'll do the map in spectator mode for sure, just not sure when.

Quote from: Napalm Nick on May 12, 2016, 01:06:48 PM
Oh and DD yes I know about those limits but don't think any other provider is any better. In fact cable is probably the sturdiest for stability. Ask if they will up the upload limit because of what you are doing. They can be quite accommodating if approached without the big booted Esther Rancid approach.
At my place I could get fiber at (down/upload) 100/50 Mbit/s or 200/50 or 500/200 for very reasonable prices (just a tad more than the crappy 10/1 Mbit/s adsl).
Too bad I'm moving in less than 1 year and where I'll be I won't have that :(

Napalm Nick

May 12, 2016, 01:42:40 PM #44 Last Edit: May 12, 2016, 03:04:40 PM by Napalm Nick
Quote from: HornetMaX on May 12, 2016, 01:27:44 PM

Anyway, I'll do the map in spectator mode for sure, just not sure when.

Too bad I'm moving in less than 1 year and where I'll be I won't have that :(

A map! You will? Do I need to get my man-hugs out again?!  8)

Server has 200/50 but we are also moving 'soon' and it isn't available either where we are going. Eckythump.
"The post you are writing has been written at least ten times already in the last 15ish years. Its already been reported, suggested, discussed, ignored or archived (but mostly ignored). Why are you doing it again?"