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GP Bikes beta12

Started by PiBoSo, August 24, 2017, 02:16:43 PM

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Quote from: Manu on August 24, 2017, 08:21:26 PM

Tyre blur and dirt don't work. Neither the different textures (wet, etc)

Thank you for the report and sorry for the new bug  :(
"La perfezione non è il nostro obiettivo, è la nostra tendenza".


Hi, impossible to connect to world "connection timeout"
Game completely stock


I use the google translator

Youtube: SwarleyRuiz Video of Games Racing.


"La perfezione non è il nostro obiettivo, è la nostra tendenza".


Quote from: PiBoSo on August 25, 2017, 09:06:15 PM

Master server updated.
Seems to work fine now, thx !

Side note: the change in Cl of the murasama (0.00 now, was 0.09) is very noticeable on Victoria (last turn exit and whole final straight). Much better now I'd say.


"La perfezione non è il nostro obiettivo, è la nostra tendenza".


Thank You for Update PiBoSo
GP-Bikes Indonesia


i just reseting my operating system (Windows10 x64) and i download GP-Bikes Beta 12 then i clean install GP-Bikes Software, after finish the installation, i run GP-Bikes.....but i always get core.exe has stop working.
please help me
GP-Bikes Indonesia


I dont think its a specific B12 bug, but i noticed it now.

When in game looking at the browse world screen i see in the caws #5 server under H categorie a C for cockpit only.  Tthats oke.
If i do the same with the GP Bikes stats page and click on server i see on the same caws #5 server under H categorie an A instead of a C.

BOBR6 84

Varese500.. The stock setup uses hard tyres. when i change to soft tyres, hard tyres remain!

Seems good so far.. i like it! Not sure what changed exactly but braking feels refined. Everything seems a little bit more refined. Nice work. thankyou  :)


August 26, 2017, 11:22:00 AM #40 Last Edit: August 26, 2017, 11:24:03 AM by Grooveski
Yeah - the tyres appear to be biting again more often when things get out of ehape, and everything just feels nicer in general on both the Varase and 916.  Liking it.  8)
The menu's much snappier now too.  :)
...and the wee dude's boots aren't flickering anymore.
Cheers Pib.

Thanks for the track glitch work as well.  Much apprecciated.   ;)

BOBR6 84

Ok the tyres do change but theres no colour indication anymore... all black, no red or white rings.


Slow speed handling much improved!   :)

Napalm Nick

Anyone done a Compatibility 0 Install and figured out how to get the Mods to show?

If so pls advise tks.
"The post you are writing has been written at least ten times already in the last 15ish years. Its already been reported, suggested, discussed, ignored or archived (but mostly ignored). Why are you doing it again?"


Quote from: Napalm Nick on August 26, 2017, 08:12:05 PM
Anyone done a Compatibility 0 Install and figured out how to get the Mods to show?

If so pls advise tks.
Works fine for me: you point it to an existing folder and within this folder it will create a "gpbikes' folder under which you can put the mod folders (bikes, tracks, misc, tyres, rider).