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Nurburgring GP v1.1 NDS - AC Conversion - a hole in the track

Started by gamerannn, January 29, 2021, 10:48:55 AM

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Hi Guys, I did reinstall twice the track but anyway before turn 11 (on the long straight behind the bridge banner before the 45deg left) there is always a small hole or gap in the track which cause crashing the bike and catapulting biker in to the air... Any suggestions? Thx in advance!


Always on the edge


OK one more thing any suggestion for the curvy track for the leaning training?


Quote from: VSMaster on January 29, 2021, 01:28:05 PMIt's just the track issue. Nothing someone can do

Who converted the track? That person will be able to take the source mesh into a 3D app, pin-point the issue, fix it, and export it for an updated release. ;)


That would be great. It is my absolute favorite track!
Schrabbelst du mit dem Helm in der Kurve, liegste richtig.
Schrabbelst du mit dem Helm in der Kurve, liegste. Richtig!