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Dedicated server

Started by PiBoSo, May 26, 2015, 11:57:02 AM

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May 26, 2015, 11:57:02 AM Last Edit: May 11, 2019, 09:48:26 PM by PiBoSo
To start a dedicated server, launch core.exe with the following params:
core.exe -dedicated (port number) [-set params (config_file)]

for example:
core.exe -dedicated 54310 -set params dedicated.ini

NOTE: if a client runs on the same PC, port 54310 cannot be used.

Configuration file must be in installation path, under "wrs" folder.
If not set, "server.ini" is used.

name =
maxclient =
password =
admin_password =
bandwidth = ; 0 -> low, 1 -> medium, 2 -> high, 3 -> very high
max_ping =
whitelist = ; the filename of the whitelist
blacklist = ; the filename of the blacklist
polls_disable = ; if set to 1, polls are disabled
location = ; information about server location
MOTD = ; message of the day

results =  ; html or xml, If set it will automatically export results at the end of the race
directory = ; the directory where results will be saved ( must exist )
units =  ; 0 -> metric units, 1 -> US units, 2 -> UK units

save = ; 0 or 1, If set to 1 it will automatically save the full replay at the end of the race
directory = ; the directory where replays will be saved ( must exist )

name = ; the name of the event ( optional )
track = ; track ID ( for ex. Victoria )
track_layout = ; track layout ( for ex. Short ). Empty -> Default;
category = ; car category allowed. Empty -> Open. Multiple categories can be set with a slash in between. For example: F3000/GT

class = ; A -> 2000+, B -> 1600-1999; C -> 1200-1599; D -> 800-1199

realistic = ; 0 or 1, if set to 1, following params are ignored
conditions = ; 0 -> sunny, 1 -> cloudy, 2 -> rainy
temperature = ; air temperature, celsius
wind_direction = ; 0 -> north, 1 -> north-east, 2 -> east, ..., 7 -> north-west
wind_speed = ; meters/second
track_conditions = ; 0 -> dry, 1 -> wet

force_cockpit = ; 0 or 1
no_aids = ; 0 or 1
limited_tyre_sets = ; 0 or 1
fixed_setup = ; 0 or 1

testing_day = ; 0 or 1, if set to 1, the following race settings are unused
quick_race = ; 0 or 1. If set to 1, practice, warmup, sighting lap and warmup lap are skipped
practice_length = ; minutes
qualify_length = ; minutes
warmup_length = ; minutes
sighting_lap = ; 0 or 1
start = ; 0 -> default, 1 -> force standing start, 2 -> force rolling start
warmup_lap = ; 0 or 1
race_length = ; % of full length
race_use_laps = ; 0 or 1. If set to 1, race_laps is used instead of race_length
race_laps = ; number of race laps
restart_delay = ; server restart time in seconds
pause = ; 0 or 1. If set to 1, the event is paused and saved at the end of "pause_session"
pause_session = ; practice, qualify, warmup or race
pause_directory = ; the directory where data is saved. The default is "resume"
resume = ; the file to load to resume an event
save = ; 0 or 1. If set to 1, the event is saved at the end of "save_session". If "pause" is set, this setting is ignored
save_session = ; practice, qualify, warmup or race
save_directory = ; the directory where data is saved. The default is "resume"

enable = ; 1 to enable live timing
port = ; the UDP port
password =

disable = ; 0 or 1. If set to 1, the dynamic track surface is disabled

NOTE: To minimize join lag, please make sure to restrict the allowed car categories as much as possible

You can set up to 9 additional tracks, in the "events" section:
The server will move to the next at each restart and wrap to the first after the last.
The same track and layout can be repeated multiple times in the 10 "slots".

The whitelist and blacklist are a text file using the following format:
guid = ........

guid = ........

guid = ........
The GUID can be read in the "Profiles" page.

In the dedicated server text input, it is possible to type:
"!restart" to reset the server
"!update whitelist" to update the whitelist
"!update blacklist" to update the blacklist

NOTE: a license is not needed to start a dedicated server.
"La perfezione non è il nostro obiettivo, è la nostra tendenza".


First post update with info about:
- event name
- event save
"La perfezione non è il nostro obiettivo, è la nostra tendenza".


First post updated with info about:
- race settings
- fixed setup
- race start type
"La perfezione non è il nostro obiettivo, è la nostra tendenza".


how can I choose only 1 or 2 cars under a category?


January 16, 2017, 06:58:13 PM #4 Last Edit: January 16, 2017, 07:29:22 PM by dibu
Quote from: oppolo on January 16, 2017, 06:46:43 PM
how can I choose only 1 or 2 cars under a category?

Do you mean this?

category = F3000/GT

PiBoSo mentioned it in his example dedicated.ini:

category = ; car category allowed. Empty -> Open. Multiple categories can be set with a slash in between. For example: F3000/GT

Here the categories:

Category car(s) folder

F2000 FR2000 fr2000

F3000 FR3000 fr3000

GT Munchen S392 GT s392_gt

Road Tandridge SL RD sl_rd

Rallycross FMC FMK7 RX fmk7_rx

Sprint car Sprint Car 360 sprintcar_360
Sprint Car 410 sprintcar_410
Wingless Sprint Car 360 sprintcar_wl_360
Wingless Sprint Car 410 sprintcar_wl_410

Napalm Nick

A way is to only have the cars you want in the server folder. Then others trying to join with a different car will get "car not known to server" error even if the same category.
That's how we do it in GPB. Hope that helps.
"The post you are writing has been written at least ten times already in the last 15ish years. Its already been reported, suggested, discussed, ignored or archived (but mostly ignored). Why are you doing it again?"


I meant how to open a dedi server with only sprint car 360 allowed?

PS: in the first post it would be better add this http://forum.kartracing-pro.com/index.php?topic=8.msg25631#msg25631


Quote from: oppolo on January 16, 2017, 08:11:36 PM
I meant how to open a dedi server with only sprint car 360 allowed?

PS: in the first post it would be better add this http://forum.kartracing-pro.com/index.php?topic=8.msg25631#msg25631

Nick and I gave you all infos you need.

Here a step by step solution for allowing Sprintcar 360 only:

-unzip cars.pkz directly to your  ...\World Racing Series\wrs  folder
  now it shows something like  ...\World Racing Series\wrs\cars\sprintcar_360  and the other car folders

-rename or delete all other sprintcar folders (sprintcar_410, sprintcar_wl_360, sprintcar_wl_410)

-rename  ...\World Racing Series\wrs\cars.pkz to _cars.pkz or whatever you want

-start your dedicated server with  category = Sprint car  in your dedicated.ini

ATM I'm running a server, where you can test the result.


ok thanks dibu, now I understood


First post updated with the new network ports.
"La perfezione non è il nostro obiettivo, è la nostra tendenza".


First post updated with info about the testing day mode.
"La perfezione non è il nostro obiettivo, è la nostra tendenza".


First post updated with the setting to disable the dynamic track surface.
"La perfezione non è il nostro obiettivo, è la nostra tendenza".


Hi everyone, I have a little problem. i have a vps server, where i run all my car racing servers. i wanted to set up a kart racing pro server but i always get the same error (0xc000007b). i tried with various fixes i found on the net but i keep coming back the same error message. how can i fix it? obviously my copy is original. may it be due to the server graphics card? she is microsoft basic display. thanks for your help


Quote from: rantal on September 13, 2020, 10:26:08 PMHi everyone, I have a little problem. i have a vps server, where i run all my car racing servers. i wanted to set up a kart racing pro server but i always get the same error (0xc000007b). i tried with various fixes i found on the net but i keep coming back the same error message. how can i fix it? obviously my copy is original. may it be due to the server graphics card? she is microsoft basic display. thanks for your help

Usually this error is due to missing openal32 DLL. It is not used by the dedicated server, but still needed because the library is statically linked.

Please try downloading and installing OpenAL from this link ( OpenAL 1.1 Windows Installer ):
"La perfezione non è il nostro obiettivo, è la nostra tendenza".