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Dirt Latemodel

Started by bison160, May 22, 2017, 04:29:24 PM

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I have began the process of creating a dirt latemodel mod. I will probably put it in WRS and see how things go, but I fear it is a long ways away from release. I will not release publicly until there are several things done from PiBoSo. That has been my only hesitation in putting any time into the mod for WRS is to get a lot of time invested, and then those features never come. I have decided however that I will go ahead and start work on getting the car and tracks into WRS because some close friends and I have simulators that we can set up and run against each other in a LAN setting.

Although this may never be publicly released, I figured I would still share my development progress with you guys here. If PiBoSo does at some point work on proper features needed for a dirt sim, then I will release it at some point. It will include at least 1 latemodel chassis, and around 5-10 tracks. Everything will be laser scanned to ensure complete accuracy.

I was able to get some time with a brand new Rocket XR1 chassis last week and have started modeling based on the scan. Here are a few pictures of the scan.



Amazing project  :o
You Sir, deserve some kind of prize for the effort.
It makes made even sadder and more ashamed than I already was that I haven't directly worked on WRS in a while  :-[
What exactly do you need?
"La perfezione non è il nostro obiettivo, è la nostra tendenza".


Wow... I don't spend nearly as much time with the sims I have, and when I do, I tend to gravitate to WRS and MX Bikes. I've been hoping to see a late model come to the community, and this project looks astonishing. Awesome work!  ;)


Quote from: PiBoSo on May 22, 2017, 10:23:32 PM
Amazing project  :o
You Sir, deserve some kind of prize for the effort.
It makes made even sadder and more ashamed than I already was that I haven't directly worked on WRS in a while  :-[
What exactly do you need?

Prize for effort? We were trying to get midgets and other mods into the game with little to no response when requesting what we needed. With more support, iRacing wouldn't be what it is right now. WRS track deformation is more realistic than iRacing on many levels. The thing that hurts the mods that are going into this game is the fact that axle wrap is not simulated. These midgets would be 100% better if we could get the rearend to actually react how it should. The cars are almost a carbon copy of a real life setup and without real life axle wrap, well you see where I'm going here.

But yeah, just because a guy has a laser scanned model doesn't warrant him a gold medal. I have a gopro and can edit some clips here and there into good videos, but hey, I haven't won any academy awards yet for it.

Not really trying to be an ass hat but I hate seeing an opportunity to be successful go out the window.


The suspension kinematic bug is a bigger issue than the pinion forces IMO. Both need fixing though. Drying line on dirt is a necessary addition as well. If I felt like my suggestions were being taken seriously I would gladly put together a more comprehensive wishlist.


Sorry for the lack of updates to WRS, and apologies to Phatry25 for not having yet found time to check the mod.
Unfortunately the Kart Racing Pro update is taking much longer than planned.
As soon as it will be out of the way work on WRS will resume.
Please post a full list of what you need. It will be taken seriously.
"La perfezione non è il nostro obiettivo, è la nostra tendenza".


Here's what I think we need as far as being able to adequately simulate a dirt latemodel, or any 4 link style suspension.

Pardon my terminology when it comes to trying to discuss what we need.

-Axle needs to "wrap" either by making a lift arm/pull rod style addition to the physics. Here is a picture to show what I'm talking about. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjp8-D7iqjXAhWr44MKHfHBBZgQjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.hotrod.com%2Farticles%2Fctrp-0612-race-car-forward-bite%2F&psig=AOvVaw3npC0SRRIwG6OaN4y8L10Q&ust=1509993680330655
-We need to be able to adjust the j-bar/panhard bar. This is done quite a bit when at different tracks or with different track conditions. Pictures to show what it is and an animation video to show how it works. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwixwsi5i6jXAhUq74MKHQKlDq4QjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.hotrod.com%2Farticles%2Ftaking-closer-look-bulldogs-eight-inch-quick-change-rear-end%2F&psig=AOvVaw25EMVvEkzcMeOtQMyU4B0G&ust=1509993801433826 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjFTaQXarWc With this animation, picture the plate on the bottom being attached to the rearend. The higher it is on the left side of the frame (with the same length overall) the more it moves the rearend to the left. And vice versa.
-We need to be able to simulate the 4 bars that connect the rearend to the frame. What I mean by that is we need to be able to put more angle in the bars to achieve more axle lead under acceleration/load. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v424/NJantz/TimmyMcCreadie.jpg The angles of the bars determines your timing of the birdcage (what they attach to on the rearend). I've tried to find a video of a simulation of angle, this is the best I can find. https://youtu.be/JMjWw_adWQI Here is a video though of how the suspension works as a whole.https://youtu.be/i57DnUY1EHg?t=10

I don't think that as far as the front end settings go, we need anything special other than the ability to use bump stops on the RF and LF. Actually bump stop options should be avaliable on all 4 corners.

Aside from getting super technical when it comes to what guys are doing today with LR springs and stacking them, I think the stuff listed above would get us in the ballpark for being able to produce something that a lot of people would gain interest in.


Quote from: bsauder189 on November 05, 2017, 06:59:24 PM
Here's what I think we need as far as being able to adequately simulate a dirt latemodel, or any 4 link style suspension.

Pardon my terminology when it comes to trying to discuss what we need.

-Axle needs to "wrap" either by making a lift arm/pull rod style addition to the physics. Here is a picture to show what I'm talking about. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjp8-D7iqjXAhWr44MKHfHBBZgQjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.hotrod.com%2Farticles%2Fctrp-0612-race-car-forward-bite%2F&psig=AOvVaw3npC0SRRIwG6OaN4y8L10Q&ust=1509993680330655
-We need to be able to adjust the j-bar/panhard bar. This is done quite a bit when at different tracks or with different track conditions. Pictures to show what it is and an animation video to show how it works. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwixwsi5i6jXAhUq74MKHQKlDq4QjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.hotrod.com%2Farticles%2Ftaking-closer-look-bulldogs-eight-inch-quick-change-rear-end%2F&psig=AOvVaw25EMVvEkzcMeOtQMyU4B0G&ust=1509993801433826 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjFTaQXarWc With this animation, picture the plate on the bottom being attached to the rearend. The higher it is on the left side of the frame (with the same length overall) the more it moves the rearend to the left. And vice versa.
-We need to be able to simulate the 4 bars that connect the rearend to the frame. What I mean by that is we need to be able to put more angle in the bars to achieve more axle lead under acceleration/load. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v424/NJantz/TimmyMcCreadie.jpg The angles of the bars determines your timing of the birdcage (what they attach to on the rearend). I've tried to find a video of a simulation of angle, this is the best I can find. https://youtu.be/JMjWw_adWQI Here is a video though of how the suspension works as a whole.https://youtu.be/i57DnUY1EHg?t=10

I don't think that as far as the front end settings go, we need anything special other than the ability to use bump stops on the RF and LF. Actually bump stop options should be avaliable on all 4 corners.

Aside from getting super technical when it comes to what guys are doing today with LR springs and stacking them, I think the stuff listed above would get us in the ballpark for being able to produce something that a lot of people would gain interest in.

Thank you very much for the information.
"La perfezione non è il nostro obiettivo, è la nostra tendenza".


Do you use any sort of voice chat systems? I know it's easy to post on here, but I think if we could discuss things over voice chat, hell even a messenger of sorts we could get a lot of communication done without a lot of effort.

If I think of anything else or talk with Phathry and get more information regarding what we need I will try to post on here.

You have a solid base to accompany modding and track making. Hopefully we can get these things worked out and help one another out. There's a lot of potential for personal growth of WRS with "catering" to the dirt oval racing market, but that is just my opinion on it.

Thanks Piboso, look forward to the future.


Little update on this project.

First tracks have been scanned. 2 for now, 3rd one coming soon. Couple shots of the scans and the 3d surface laid over the scan.

Still a lot of 3d work to do. I hope we get some progress on needed WRS features so it can be used. If not, I will be forced to use RF2.