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1st person cockpit view problem

Started by MuscleGamerHD, November 10, 2018, 09:22:43 AM

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 I ask aslso here...Hello..i have i problem with the 1st cockpit view ,when i use the 1st view the whole image is upside down looks crazy..i can only play in 3rd person...how to fix it??? :(


Which bike are you having the issue with??
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It happend on all kind of bike starts normal but after few second if im playing 1st person all is going upside down



Example for now is working well no upside down bugs i don't know what to do and think???vr or not vr mode is the same ..later i will post a foto


Quote from: h106frp on November 10, 2018, 01:10:36 PM
Not launching VR mode by any chance?

If i haven't any upside down problem i got this angle problem in 1st view ...the angolation is weird totally on other side


You are launching the game in VR mode like H said

There are two GP Bikes icons on your desktop. One is for normal and one is for VR. You need to select the normal one.
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Quote from: matty0l215 on November 10, 2018, 05:19:31 PM
You are launching the game in VR mode like H said

There are two GP Bikes icons on your desktop. One is for normal and one is for VR. You need to select the normal one.

I launch in normal and i have this prob with angolation or this upside down prob ..just in 1st view ..only in 3rd view i have not prob


Please check if you have enabled "Free Look" in GP Bikes -> Settings -> Simulation
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